chemical properties downloads
Chemical Data
2.9 downloadChemical Engineering/General Data app provides information on over 4000 chemical compounds from various chemical groups. The information can be saved as a ... ALL features enabled and no ads. The main Chemical Groups are :- (Only certain group type information ...
PhysPro Fluid Properties downloadPhysPro Fluid Properties is a physical properties estimation software that uses two powerful databases, both ... common refrigerants). The software also include humid air properties and has the ability to estimate mixture properties ...
6.6.2 downloadDWSIM is a Chemical Process Simulator for Windows, Linux and Mac. Built ... a rich Graphical User Interface (GUI), DWSIM allows chemical engineering students and chemical engineers to better understand the behavior of their ...
2021.2.2 downloadACD/ChemSketch Freeware is a popular and comprehensive chemical drawing package, intended for home and educational use ... Web site further distributes the power of this chemical structure drawing package to desktops around the world. ...
9.1.0 downloadChemDoodle is a fully functional chemical drawing application that works on every operating system! ... that it's not just a program for creating chemical structures or molecule drawings. It is a 2D ...
ChemDoodle for Mac OS X
9.1.0 downloadChemDoodle is a fully functional chemical drawing application that works on every operating system! ... that it's not just a program for creating chemical structures or molecule drawings. It is a 2D ...
ChemDoodle for Linux
9.1.0 downloadChemDoodle is a fully functional chemical drawing application that works on every operating system! ... that it's not just a program for creating chemical structures or molecule drawings. It is a 2D ...
2.0 download... comprehensive set of air, water, steam and ice properties — right in your spreadsheet — with "live" ... pulp, food processing, desiccant drying, compressor design and chemical process engineering. Give MoistAirTab a try to fully ...
Marvin Suite
24.3.2 download... to streamline the visualization, drawing, and analysis of chemical structures, making it an indispensable asset for both ... heart of Marvin Suite is MarvinSketch, a powerful chemical drawing application that allows users to create and ...
3.9 downloadSuitable for students and professionals in the chemical,science,engineering, maths fields. Provides informationReference of on over 1000 chemical compounds. e.g. Orangic/Inorganic elements, Periodic Table, Steam Table ... : Main/Initial Screen : Displays information for numerous Chemical compound (organic, inorganic, electrode potentials, physical, solid gas, ...
11.0 download... by ChemEng Software Design: A Comprehensive Tool for Chemical Engineering Data Management** DataPro, developed by ChemEng ... Design, is an advanced software solution tailored for chemical engineers and professionals in related fields. This robust ...
1.6.1 download... systems. The database is composed of over 6,500 chemical specie names and their synonyms (both organic and ... of interest. The data base supports 16 intrinsic properties such as Tc, Pc, Vc, Tnbp, Tmp, dHf, ...
11.0 download... of EquationsPro is its extensive database of physical properties and constants. This built-in resource saves users valuable ... Whether you're working on thermodynamics, fluid mechanics, or chemical reactions, having this information at your fingertips enhances ...
JChem Suite
24.3.2 download... that streamline the management, analysis, and visualization of chemical data, making it an indispensable asset for both ... the core of JChem Suite is its powerful chemical database management system, which allows users to efficiently ...
14.1 download... a robust suite of tools that simplify complex chemical concepts through interactive and user-friendly features. **User ... standout features of CHEMIX School is its powerful chemical equation balancer. This tool allows users to input ...
ChemDBsoft Academic
Lite downloadChemDBsoft is chemical database software for management of chemistry databases of ... comparison by any data field, barcode reader module, chemical web server for exposure of chemistry databases on ... the corresponding pH-dependent profiles and drug absorption (QSAR properties LogP, LogC, LogSw/Solubility and FA/absorption); diversity and similarity ...
SDF Viewer
2.0.2 downloadSDF Viewer, developed by Flyhoward Ltd, is a specialized software tool designed to simplify the process of viewing and managing SQL Server Compact Edition (SQL CE) database files, commonly known as ...
17.1 download... Saves time in solving problems, performing calculations, obtaining chemical/mathematical/scientific data. Improve productivity, easy to use, all the ... problems quickly and accurately. Contains information on 3000+ chemical compounds,allows prediction of chemical compound properties,critical constants, thermodynamic ...
Shell and Tube Heat Exchanger Design download... Exit Nozzles pressure losses + Ability to import properties to Shell/Tube sides form Ms Excel very useful if you want to import your own physical properties Included Databases: + Estimate Physical properties of pure ...
23.16.0 download... as well as support for bond and atom properties, molecule drawing and many more. MarvinSketch has a rich support for atom and bond properties. Users can assign stereochemistry, charge, valence, radicals and ...
Gasketed Plate Heat Exchanger Design download... database containing over 230 plates. 4. Import physical properties data to hot side & cold side from Microsoft Excel & from WeBBusterZ Physical properties database (included with full version) 5. Export Results ...
Visual Graph ActiveX Component
11 download... applications of various industries, such as power, coal, chemical, automation monitor, simulation, graphical modeling, graphical topology analysis, ... suitable for industrial automation monitor, simulation, power, coal, chemical trades. Visual Graph has the similar designer as ...
1.8.5 download... peng-robinson A full range of thermophysical and transport properties for each phase is generated. equilibrium flash T-P ... the perfect software tool for professionals in the chemical, natural gas, and petroleum industries. You can now ...
Double Pipe Heat Exchanger Design download... measurements units with 200-unit conversion +Ability to import properties to Hot/Cold sides from Microsoft Excel. +Export Results ... calculations & Entrance and Exit losses. -Databases +Physical properties estimation of pure components for more than 1450 ...
0.5.2 download... for Windows 10. Get comprehensive information about all chemical elements with this app. Click on an element ... page to get detailed information about an element's properties. Use the list view to sort and filter ...