calculating downloads
Wing Geometry for Mac OS X
1.6.1 download... involved in airplane design, I find that I'm calculating these parameters all the time, so I wrote this program to help me out. To use this program, simply enter any ...
Wing Geometry for Linux
1.6.1 download... involved in airplane design, I find that I'm calculating these parameters all the time, so I wrote this program to help me out. To use this program, simply enter any ...
Express CG
2.0 downloadExpress CG is an AutoCAD tool for calculating weight & center of gravity for precast concrete products then applying initial lifting points. It is intended as an aid to drafters ...
Logic Expression
3.00 download... Serves as a useful tool for developers when calculating and analyzing logical expressions. Can also serve as a means of educationally. Thanks to the use of this product. ...
Lawn Care Software for Mobile
1.2 download... management program that proves to be handy in calculating all financial transactions per job and per day basis along with calculation of total earned amount. The simple and easy to ...
Rental Software for Mobile
2.1 download... easy and handy user interface allows checking and calculating of all previous professional events, leasing terms and other important notes that are essential for making and taking instant decisions. Rental ...
4.03 download... designed to help you analyze scientific data by calculating statistical indicators and drawing plots. The program comes with a large variety of analysis techniques that can be applied with just ...
Engine Prime for Mac OS X
1.2 download... imported, Engine Prime performs incredibly accurate beatgrid placement, calculating the song’s harmonic musical key (displayed in either Camelot or traditional style), plus it brings in track artwork, BPM and all ...
1.0 download... developed the KBDIS (Keetch-Byram Drought Index Software) for calculating Keetch-Byram Index as a drought index. You can import your data as excel file and calculate KBDI in yearly, seasonally, monthly, ...
2.7.3 download... + Simple and intuitive just five-column chart for calculating monthly incomes and expenditures + Rows are automatically sorted by Day, In/Out, Description + Extremely fast -- shows your plan on ...
Triaxes Morpher
4.5 download... for morphing. Morpher generates a frame series by calculating transitional morphing frames using the predetermined trajectories. The resulting frame series is exported into 3DMasterKit software where it can be ...
CalcNote downloadCalculator for simple and complex multi-step calculations using numbers, constants and complex numbers; like in MathCad, only for free; full compatibility with "generally accepted" writing formulas in one line without using ...
2021.24.3.652 downloadTrispace resolves the requirement to effect three dimensional terrain studies through the generation of: digital elevation plans, contoured elevation plans, dynamic sections, three dimensional views, distances or areas and volume calculations. ...
2024.11.07 downloadPlotCalc, developed by Zhereliy Evgen Borisovich, is an innovative software solution designed to streamline and enhance the process of land measurement and calculation. This powerful tool is tailored for professionals in ...
Compact calculator - CompactCalc
4.2.58 download... CompactCalc, you can bring spectacular results to your calculating routines. CompactCalc features include the following: * You can build linear, polynomial and nonlinear equation set. You are not limited by ...
Molar Mass / Molecular Weight Calculator
0.5.1 downloadMolecular mass or molecular weight is the mass of a molecule. It is calculated as the sum of the atomic masses of each constituent element or group of elements multiplied by ...
DataScene Deluxe downloadDataScene is a data graphing, animation, and analysis software package. It allows the user to easily plot 2D & 3D graphs (Area, Bar, Pie, Line, Surface, Ploar, and more) with scientific, ...
1.3 download... only $9. With one click you can hide calculating commands for a clean display, and restore them ... to do calculations with multiple iterations, such as calculating infinite series. The standard resolution of calculations is ...
1.0 downloadAssessment and Monitoring Drought Meteorological droughts, which is caused by a decit in precipitation with respect to the climatological average for a given period and region. To measuring the value of ...
TimePanic for Windows and Pocket PC
2.8 download... on the hourly rates, reports are capable of calculating net invoice amounts. Unlike most other time tracking software, TimePanic is particularly good at tracking your hours in real time, as ...
Rt-Plot download... error indicators at data points, function interpreter for calculating columns and non linear functions, graph fully customizable, secondary axis at top and right, twisted, log, exponential axis scaling, all distances ...
TimePanic pour Windows et Pocket PC
2.8 download... on the hourly rates, reports are capable of calculating net invoice amounts. Unlike most other time tracking software, TimePanic is particularly good at tracking your hours in real time, as ...
SSuite Office - EZInvoice Creator
1.0 download... into consideration discounts, taxes and VAT values when calculating overall prices for large batches of products. Business administration requires adequate software tools, in order to keep an accurate record of ...
Artlantis Studio downloadArtlantis Studio is a comprehensive 2D and 3D drawing tool that allows you to create highly professional designs. What should be mentioned about it is the fact that it allows you ...
My Family Tree download... includes features for analyzing genetic data, such as calculating relationship probabilities and identifying potential genetic traits. This makes it a valuable tool for those interested in the genetic aspects of ...