easy learning downloads
Teaching Templates
16.4.0 downloadTeaching Templates is a new, varied and timesaving set of nine authoring tools to help you create interactive, web-based exercises, tests and quizzes - including Multiple Choice, Question Time, Gap Text ...
Network Clipboard and Viewer download... time when have to enter long codes, etc.). Easy access at any time with Win+C combination (Windows ... before transfer it to your computer, quick and easy! - Log for process. - Automatic Clear Clipboard ...
KidsMath download... different difficulty level that affect the play time. Easy 300 seconds. Normal 200 seconds. Hard 100 seconds. Extreme 70 seconds. KidsMath as 5 different choices of operations. Addition. Subtraction. Division. ...
Clever FFmpeg GUI
3.3.9 download... harness the power of FFmpeg without the steep learning curve typically associated with command-line interfaces. Its blend of simplicity, functionality, and efficiency makes it an indispensable tool for both casual ...
8.0 download... 10 installed; makes floor plans a real snap--very easy to use. Some features of this home design ... to get more complex and has a steeper learning curve, in spite of the fact that most ...
RecallPlus download... stores information and has been proven to improve learning and memory. It is easy to navigate between the cards which are organized ... Concept Mapping and Flashcard-style Testing. RecallPlus makes it easy to apply proven learning techniques. Despite the advances ...
1.070 download... is designed to allow you to quickly and easy design and plan the most popular sundials. It ... that it may be used without a long learning period. However, it includes powerful features that make ...
Mindomo Desktop download... a rich set of features that make it easy to visualize and organize ideas, projects, and information. ... its ability to organize study materials and enhance learning. In the professional realm, the software is ideal ...
TOR for Linux
13.5 download... traffic analysis. * Tor prevents people from learning your location or browsing habits. * Tor is for web browsers, instant messaging clients, and more. * Tor is free and ...
TOR for Mac OS X
13.5 download... traffic analysis. * Tor prevents people from learning your location or browsing habits. * Tor is for web browsers, instant messaging clients, and more. * Tor is free and ...
Studies for Mac OS X
1.8.5 download... well-designed and intuitive macOS application that makes it easy for you to learn, regardless of the type ... you need to remember. Studies acts as a learning hub that helps you keep your mental notes ...
WinFlash Educator
12.00.02 download... words, this program is key to reaching your learning goals. Educator offers powerful multimedia support while retaining ... go. Import existing data from multiple sources. Educator's learning algorithms help you thoroughly master the study material. ...
WinFlash Scholar
12.00.02 download... this program is your key to reaching your learning goals. Scholar offers powerful multimedia support while retaining ... of sizes for use on the go. Scholar's learning algorithms help you thoroughly master the study material. ...
WinFlash Basic
12.00.02 download... this program is your key to reaching your learning goals. WinFlash Basic offers powerful multimedia support while ... the program using the accompanying step-by-step tutorial. WinFlash's learning algorithms help you thoroughly master the study material. ...
Sharky Neural Network
0.9.Beta download... playing with neural networks classification. Major features * Easy, ready to play with. * Live view. * ... * Different shapes of training data sets. * Learning with backpropagation algorithm. * Optional momentum. For better ...
Maskit Editor
4.1 download... users for many years. This software product is easy to use and developed with the user in mind. We developed data-masking functionality since many of our customers were using sensitive ...
Geekbench AI (formerly Geekbench ML)
1.2.0 download... to evaluate the performance of AI and machine learning workloads across various hardware platforms. This sophisticated software ... a system's performance. The software leverages popular machine learning frameworks like TensorFlow and Core ML, ensuring that ...
6.2.2 download... many tools that are as affordable and as easy to learn and use as Excel/Numbers! StatPlus:mac offers ... are often associated with extraordinary costs and steep learning curves. StatPlus:mac makes you forget about the learning ...
LingvoSoft FlashCards English <-> Finnish for Windows
1.5.08 download... Windows ME, 2000 or XP. With its straightforward, easy-as-can-be user interface, this program is a pleasure to use. You can concentrate on the learning process while the accommodating options are there when ...
LingvoSoft FlashCards English <-> Serbian for Windows
1.5.09 download... Windows ME, 2000 or XP. With its straightforward, easy-as-can-be user interface, this program is a pleasure to use. You can concentrate on the learning process while the accommodating options are there when ...
LingvoSoft FlashCards English <-> Polish for Windows
1.5.09 download... Windows ME, 2000 or XP. With its straightforward, easy-as-can-be user interface, this program is a pleasure to use. You can concentrate on the learning process while the accommodating options are there when ...
LingvoSoft FlashCards English <-> Ukrainian for Windows
1.5.09 download... Windows ME, 2000 or XP. With its straightforward, easy-as-can-be user interface, this program is a pleasure to use. You can concentrate on the learning process while the accommodating options are there when ...
LingvoSoft FlashCards English <-> German for Windows
1.5.07 download... Windows ME, 2000 or XP. With its straightforward, easy-as-can-be user interface, this program is a pleasure to use. You can concentrate on the learning process while the accommodating options are there when ...
LingvoSoft FlashCards English <-> Hungarian for Windows
1.5.08 download... Windows ME, 2000 or XP. With its straightforward, easy-as-can-be user interface, this program is a pleasure to use. You can concentrate on the learning process while the accommodating options are there when ...
LingvoSoft FlashCards German <-> Czech for Windows
1.5.10 download... Windows ME, 2000 or XP. With its straightforward, easy-as-can-be user interface, this program is a pleasure to use. You can concentrate on the learning process while the accommodating options are there when ...