popup downloads
Paper Killer
2016.7.6 download... hot-spots with ease, as well as audio, video, popup windows, photo galleries, etc. Save your output in all the popular formats, including Rtf-WinHelp, Html, Html Help, Doc for your MSWord, ...
Hyper Publish Italiano
2018.81 download... creazione frames (cornici) con drag & drop, finestre popup, immagini sensibili al mouse, intestazioni/piè di pagina, stili, gestione avanzata delle cornici, diapositive, parole chiave, audio, video, album interno, moduli e ...
JavaScript Web Scroller - Scrollbalken erstellen
2.1 download... freely and scrolling speed is adjustable. Title, pagination, popup tips and scroll arrows are four optional parts. Fully customizable properties, including images, text, font, backgrounds, colors, links, alignment, spacing, padding, ...
VaySoft Image to EXE Converter
4.52 download... runs for the first time, a dialogbox will popup to ask for the registration key. If key is correct, EXE will continue to open the presentation. Otherwise, EXE cannot open ...
Screen Beagle
1.5 download... by customizable hot key or by tray icon popup menu. After activation, the screen contents are frozen to simplify analyzing the short-time states. Screen Beagle defaults to a single tray ...
1.1.7 downloadJPhotoTagger is a platform independent Photo Manager. You can manage and find fast your photos through keywords, descriptions and other so called metadata ("tags"). It speeds up adding or editing tags ...
Portable JPhotoTagger
1.1.7 downloadJPhotoTagger is a platform independent Photo Manager. You can manage and find fast your photos through keywords, descriptions and other so called metadata ("tags"). It speeds up adding or editing tags ...
0.731 download... Jouyou and Jinmeiyou(=used in names) kanji.) -Use the popup dictionary feature to find translations quickly and then go back to what you were doing with very little distraction. -A convenient ...
1.0 download... on top of another, and dropping into the popup that appears. Ungroup shortcuts by dragging the icon back to the taskbar. No need to open a settings screen; Bins is ...
0.9.1 download... the mouse button, select "Create shortcuts" from the popup menu - and the rest will be done by VirtualFiles. ...
2.2.2 download... display a chevron button that brings up a popup window exposing the obscured items. o Toolbar items can optionally wrap into multiple rows like Office's menu bar. o Unlike Toolbar97, ...
TMS MultiTouch SDK download... with iPhone/iPad style thumbnail list, calendar, touch keyboard, popup, buttons, trackbars, megamenu, dock bar,... and much more - Comes with 5 demos: PhotoAlbum, Music browser, ElectronicBoard, MagazineLibrary and TMS Products ...
US County Zoom Map
2.0 download... file. Texts & colors are adjustable, while custom popup balloons help you to direct your customers to an appropriate regional call-center or county dealer store. A one-level zoom map looks ...
1.2.3 download... single button configuration, separators, background, transparency and folder popup. ...
Visual Graph ActiveX Component
11 download... Windows interface elements, such as dialog boxes, menus, popup windows. ...
System Scheduler Free
5.40 download... more flexibility and features. Also, you can schedule popup reminders so you'll never forget those important appointments and things to do. Reminders, tasks and other events can be ...
2.01.4 download... panel directly in main window. · with the popup menu, by drag and drop, in the properties dialog, and de-assigned in the same ways. · Easy access to the tags ...
VueMinder Ultimate
2023.01 download... handles the display of reminders, which can be popup windows and unobtrusive desktop alerts. Reminders can be configured to play media files or even recite text-to-speech descriptions. Reminders can be ...
Advanced Task Scheduler Network download... batch files, open documents and web pages, display popup messages/reminders, play sounds, send messages, shut down and restart your computer, establish and close dial-up connections, perform FTP and file system ...
DHTMLX Scheduler .NET
3.3 downloadDHTMLX Scheduler .NET for ASP.NET is a highly customizable Ajax-powered calendar control that allows quick adding of a user-friendly scheduling interface, similar to MS Outlook or Google Calendar, to your ASP.NET ...
3.5 download... and feel personalization (Nimbus included) · Members introspection popup · Notification Timer · Javadoc support · Printing support · Java Documentation visible through an internal browser · File System tree ...
SD QuickExec
3.0 download... best of application launchers. Features: - Auto-hide and Popup on mouse over; - Simple drag-n-drop interface; - Supports alpha-blended PNG and ICO icons; - Icons zoom and transition smoothly; - ...
Connected Field
2.17.2 download... column · Allows entering new values through a popup window · Supports site columns and content types · Supports single-single, single-multi, multi-single and multi-multi selections · Optionally filter values by ...
1.8.6 download... by simply dragging files onto recipients in a popup window. The easiest way to get things from one place to another quickly without dialogs, passwords or confirmations. DropCopy is ...
2.5.0 download... HTML and MS Excel. Run EasyTables, open popup-menu in tray, and add/edit information in your safe personal database! ...