antamedia downloads
Antamedia HotSpot Software downloadHotspot software by Antamedia is the Industry leading software to manage and sell Guest WiFi Hotspot access and Hotel WiFi Internet. It helps you control and bill Internet usage by ...
Internet Cafe Software downloadAntamedia Internet Cafe controls, secures, and enhances the running ... Internet Cafe software is an integration of all Antamedia products: Internet Cafe, HotSpot, Print Manager, Bandwidth Manager ... account sharing between multiple Internet Cafes. That's why Antamedia is the most popular software for Internet or ...
Bandwidth Manager Software
4.0.2 downloadAntamedia Bandwidth Manager software controls download and upload rates ... for schools or preventing illegal or dangerous downloads. Antamedia bandwidth management software is perfect for Internet and ... any available CyberCafe management software. If used with Antamedia's specialist Internet Cafe, operation is fully automated and ...
Kiosk Software
2.8.3 downloadAntamedia Kiosk software locks down your public computer or kiosk, helping you securely display your website or application. It prevents hacking and downtime by restricting access to the system, desktop, ...