geocaching downloads
1.08 download... you use Google Earth to prepare for your Geocaching trips, then you'll know that it's often difficult to find the right caches and to see which ones you already visited. ...
3.28.1 download... allow you to perform on-demand queries against the Geocaching website, and export the matching geocaches over 20 file formats and to numerous devices. ...
3.1.0 download... software that's been built to help users with geocaching or waymarking. The software allows you to import GPX or LOC files for editing. You can print out cheat ...
iCaching for Mac OS X
10.0.1 download... macOS desktop application that will connect to your account, offering you the possibility to import or ... Pocketquery dialog. From version 4.0 iCaching supports the API. Through the API you have direct access ...
Mapyx Quo
2.1.7 download... GPS Exchange format (*.gpx), ESRI Shape File (*.shp), Geocaching (*.loc), various Garmin formats, various Magellan formats, OziExplorer files and many more. Features also include importing your own scanned maps, multipage ...
downloadGeocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure hunting game using GPS-enabled devices. Participants navigate to a specific set of GPS coordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at ...
GeoTransformer download... to GPS device. Automatically download Pocket Queries from Change coordinates for solved caches and add additional hints. Automatically copy cache photos to Garmin GPS devices. Review loaded caches on ...
1.00 downloadCodeBreaker automatically analyzes the letter-frequencies, provides 2 editable reference tables (for texts and written numbers) in 2 languages each and thus makes it easier to solve riddle texts that have been ...
OkMap Desktop
18.9.3 download... DCW -GPS data: GPX, CompeGPS, EasyGPS, Fugawi, Garmin, Geocaching, Google Earth, GPS TrackMaker, OpenStreetMap, OziExplorer , ... -DEM data: HGT (SRTM-1 and SRTM-3) ...