looping downloads
1.2 download... help musicians learn, practice and transcribe tracks. Featuring looping, pitch shifting, tempo adjustment and audio EQ. Slow down that hard to learn track to help you practice! Interface: The interface ...
iRehearse Mac
2.0 download... help musicians learn, practice and transcribe tracks. Featuring looping, pitch shifting, tempo adjustment and audio EQ. Slow down that hard to learn track to help you practice! Tempo: Control the ...
DJ Mixer Professional for Windows download... automatic mixing, beat-matching with a single click, seamless looping, advanced BPM detection, keylock (master-tempo), integrates with your iTunes library and lots of effects and many other features. You can use ...
CuteDJ - DJ Software
4.3.5 downloadCuteDJ is the most powerful DJ mixing software for Windows. With professional mix engine and iTunes integration, you can mix your tracks traditionally as well combine and loops in a non-linear ...
DJ Mixer Pro for Windows download... every night. perfect automated beat matching, seamless live looping, smooth crossfades, KeyLock, sample decks, pitch shifting, vinyl simulation, precise BPM counter, smart sync between the 4 DJ decks, tempo shifting, ...
Augustus Loop
2.4.12 download... extra features to facilitate its use as a looping device. Version 2 is now available! For the ... ‘multiply’ and ‘divide’ features found on some popular looping devices.) * The ‘Fx Loop’ plug-in configuration allows ...
Augustus Loop x64
2.5.1 download... extra features to facilitate its use as a looping device. Version 2 is now available! For the ... ‘multiply’ and ‘divide’ features found on some popular looping devices.) * The ‘Fx Loop’ plug-in configuration allows ...
Augustus Loop for Mac OS X
2.5.6 download... extra features to facilitate its use as a looping device. Version 2 is now available! For the ... ‘multiply’ and ‘divide’ features found on some popular looping devices.) * The ‘Fx Loop’ plug-in configuration allows ...
Sony ACID Pro
11.0 B1434 download... recording and mixing, MIDI sequencing, and legendary ACID looping functionality for a seamless music-creation and post-production environment. More creative partner than production tool, ACID Pro 7 software inspires you like ...
1.2.4 downloadRepeater by D16 Group Audio Software is a meticulously crafted delay plugin that stands out in the realm of audio production tools. This software is designed to cater to both novice ...
2.0.0 download... sequencer, quite simply, your tracks metamorphose into fireworks. Looping, Scratching, Reverse & Stretching – in real-time and ... with scratches or give them further complexity by looping, delaying, or reverberating phrases. Using the "Tonal Delay" ...
1.1.8 download... PC or Mac into an instant jamming, live looping, musical brainstorming studio. JamDeck is organic music production ... feel of an instrument with an easy live looping workflow, creativity just flows. New, from the developers ...
1.0.82 download... connected to an automated mixer. Features include: dynamic looping and triggering of audio - automated volume, pan, and pitch sliders - soft (gradual) mute/solo operations - crossfading between documents - ...
DJ Mixer Pro for Mac
2.0.3 download... mixing, beat-matching with a single click, seamless beat-aware looping, advanced BPM detection, keylock (master-tempo), Compatible with iTunes playlists, record your mixes and lots of effects and many other features. You ...
CuteDJ for Mac
4.3.5 download... at the same time, change song pitch, seamless looping, advanced effects processing, harmonic mixing, auto crossfade control, iTunes integration, MIDI Learn and so on. In addition, CuteDJ Mac DJ mixing ...
123PPT Music & SoundFX Studio
2.5 downloadPowerPoint does not allow you to loop music without irritating delays. With no controls for music or sound effects for the professional presenter, PowerPoint has never provided tools and functions to ...
DJ Mixer Express for Mac
5.8.3 downloadDJ Mixer Express for Mac is an easy-to-use DJ mixing software that mix not only audio tracks, but also video or karaoke songs. The application features include Dual player decks, Visualize ...
Audio Looper
1.2 download... different languages. If you look for a audio looping software then try Audio Looper which has many features and is easy to use. ...
Video Looper
1.2 download... different languages. If you look for a video looping software then try Video Looper which has many features and is easy to use. ...
1.02 download... Volume of buffer and source both adjustable Easy looping with shortcut keys -Flanger Automatic or Manual Configurable Strength -Compressor/Normalizer -Gapper effect -Filter effect -Bitcrusher -Automatic 0dB limiter to prevent clipping ...
3.20.7 download... cues and loops (and hot cues) Seamless intelligent looping and beat-skip Automatic grid-based BPM detection with batch processing Automatic Key Detection for harmonic mixing Vinyl simulation including scratch, pitch, reverse ...
Portable Sequetron LE
7.23 download... MIDI keyboard into a multi-track recording, playback & looping instrument. You may be tempted to compare it with conventional sequencers with more powerful editing & audio features, but their ...
Sequetron LE
13.03 download... MIDI keyboard into a multi-track recording, playback & looping instrument. You may be tempted to compare it with conventional sequencers with more powerful editing & audio features, but their ...
PCDJ DEX for Mac
3.20.7 download... cues and loops (and hot cues) Seamless intelligent looping and beat-skip Automatic grid-based BPM detection with batch processing Automatic Key Detection for harmonic mixing Vinyl simulation including scratch, pitch, reverse ...
Effectrix for Mac
2.0.0 download... sequencer, quite simply, your tracks metamorphose into fireworks. Looping, Scratching, Reverse & Stretching – in real-time and ... the most innovative loopers so far. Besides classical looping of passages in realtime, loops can also be ...