ip domain name downloads
SoftFuse Whois
2.8 downloadSoftFuse Whois is an advanced whois tool for domainers. It does a quick lookup search for a specific domain name and brings all the available information (administrative, technical, billing contacts, domain IPs, DNS servers, ect.) to your eyes in ...
IP2Location DB21 Database
January.2024 downloadIP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE-AREACODE-ELEVATION is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, time zone, area code, IDD code and elevation. Developers use this database for: ...
Whois Web Professional
4.2 download... whois servers to obtain ownership information of Internet domain names and IP addresses. The key features include: (1) Easy-to-use tabbed interface. (2) Search for multiple domains from more than 70 gTLDS at once. 3) ...
Dynu Basic Dynamic DNS Client
3.42 download... dynamic DNS client/server technology to fix a static domain name to a dynamic IP address. While this service ... Server or other TCP/IP Service. Get your own domain like yourname.dynu.com. Your domain name's dynamic IP address ...
1.5.1 download... is a lookup tool that gathers easily your domain names WHOIS and DNS information regardless of the registrar. ... to the whois and DNS configuration of your domain names. It also brings you the capacity to ...
Active Whois Browser
5.5 download... for the owners of IP addresses and Internet domains. Unlike other WHOIS clients, Active Whois does not ... to explore DNS aliases, and will display the domain and IP address information together. You can investigate ...
Dynu Premium Dynamic DNS Client
4.3 download... a 100% free dynamic DNS service for your domain name. If you have a dynamic IP Address provided ... servers. Dynu Premium works with all top level domains all over the world regardless of country of ...
IP2Location HTTP Module
Oct.2016 download... origin, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, ISP, domain name, time zone, connection speed, IDD code, area code, weather station code, and weather station name, mobile country code (MCC), mobile network code (MNC), ...
PlanetDNS Client
2.01 download... Client allows you to easily create an Internet Name for your computer that automatically tracks your current dynamic IP address. PlanetDNS Client utilizes advanced dynamic DNS technology to provide you ...
IP2Location Excel Add-In
Oct.2016 download... country, region, city, latitude, longitude, ZIP code, ISP, domain name, time zone, connection speed, IDD code, area code, weather station code, weather station name, MCC, MNC, mobile brand name, elevation, and usage ...
VisualRoute 2010
14.0l download... Lookups, Network Provider Reporting Get instant lookups of domain information from worldwide databases, so you can see the registered 'owner' of an IP address or domain. See the contact information for the company providing ...
VisualRoute 2010 for Mac OS X
14.0l download... Lookups, Network Provider Reporting Get instant lookups of domain information from worldwide databases, so you can see the registered 'owner' of an IP address or domain. See the contact information for the company providing ...
Arm Whois
3.11 download... Whois finds out who the owner of the domain is and when the domain was registered. In addition, it shows the owner's ... available information about an IP address, hostname or domain, including details concerning country, state, city and the ...
IPCam Pro for Win8 UI
download... support, so that you can connect using a domain name instead of IP address. Support standard MJPEG streaming, ...
1.11 download... the following information is displayed: IP Address, Computer Name, Workgroup or Domain, MAC Address, and the company that manufactured the ...
MintDNS 2008
2.0 downloadMintDNS 2008 is a fully featured Dynamic DNS (DDNS) server suite that allows you to run your own enterprise level DDNS Service. Our company has provided Dynamic DNS solutions for more ...
Packet Sender for Mac
7.2.4 download... set up network packets based on IP (or domain name for a quick look-up), port, Hex or ASCII ...
Packet Sender
8.0.9 download... set up network packets based on IP (or domain name for a quick look-up), port, Hex or ASCII ...
WhoIs Lookup Multiple Addresses Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to look up ownership details for one or more IP addresses. The user can simply enter IPs, or loads them from a ...
6.8 download... includes a dynamic DNS client that keeps your domain name working if you have a varying IP address ... activate a Dynamic DNS client that keeps your domain name working if you have a varying IP ...
5.3.2 download... WINS Servers * IPv4 & IPv6! * Computer Name * Workgroup * DNS Domain * Default Printer * Network Drives * NIC ...
ChrisPC Anonymous Connection
2.50 download... from the country of your choice. Even the domain name server (DNS) which does the reverse mapping of the server IP and its domain name can be set, selected to be different ...
1.09 downloadAfter start, a small icon near the clock is shown. The tooltip of this icon shows the username, computername and workgroup/domain. Further, for every network adapter, all ip, gateway and dns ...
NetStat Agent Portable
3.6 download... about network resources such as remote hosts and domain names. The built-in Whois tool queries domain names for exact information about their owner, and allows checking whether a domain name is taken or still available without visiting ...
3.1 download... the graphics, get a listing of the page names, see all the links, and then compare all ... you manage? No problem, quick as a snap! DomainManagerPro does it all. How about getting all that ...