computer tweaker downloads
Mz XP Tweak (Mz Ultimate Tweaker)
6.1.0 download... will try to stop crashes and gain your computer reactivity. Here are some key features: * Boosts PC performance * Speed up games * Tweak and personalize Windows ...
Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Win 8 downloadUltimate Windows Tweaker 3 for Windows 8 has been released and ... Vista users should continue to use Ultimate Windows Tweaker 2.2, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1 may be happy to know that your favorite freeware Windows tweaker is now available for download. Use the Ultimate ...
Mz Ultimate Booster (AutoMz Ultimate Tweaker)
5.1.0 download... a powerful Windows application, to greatly increase your computer speed and stability. It can fine tune Windows system settings (by automatically detecting your computer hardware), to the achieve ultimate PC performance. Optimize ...
Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Win 11 downloadUltimate Windows Tweaker 5 for Windows 11 is now available for ... is widely regarded as the best Windows 11 tweaker. Those of you who have upgraded to Windows ... make your system faster, and private. This tweaker is just around 219 KB in size and ...
Service Tweaker for Windows
1.1 download... 10 speed, then you can try stopping some computer services that you may not require all of the time that may be running in the background. You can then set ...
Ultimate Windows Tweaker for Win 10 downloadUltimate Windows Tweaker 4 for Windows 10 has been released. This ... just a few mouse clicks. Ultimate Windows Tweaker is like a TweakUI for Windows 10. While ... Editor or the Group Policy Editor, Ultimate Windows Tweaker makes things easier for you by offering all ... - Advanced System Tweaker
2.0.0 - Advanced System Tweaker is a handy utility that was designed in order to provide you with a means of speeding up your system. It is a central hub ...
PC Security Tweaker
10.0 downloadPC Security Tweaker is a security tweaking utility you can use to tweak Windows-based computers. It is compatible with all Windows versions and ... items, lock and protect disk drives in My Computer, disable the DOS and command prompt, interruption boot ...
Pristy Tools
2.5.7 download... tasks such as rebooting or shutting down the computer. You can also use this feature for locking the desktop and even as an 'Egg Timer'. Among the other goodies Pristy ...
RAM Saver Pro
25.2.1 downloadEasy-to-use RAM optimizer tool that will keep your computer running faster. It increases the operation system performance ... faster and more efficiently - even on old computers. Main program features: - System Tray monitor; - ...
RAM Saver Professional
25.3.1 downloadEasy-to-use RAM optimizer tool that will keep your computer running faster. It increases the operation system performance ... faster and more efficiently - even on old computers. Main program features: - System Tray monitor; - ...
Comodo System Cleaner (32 bit)
4.0.30135.26 download... the registry much more quickly - meaning your computer will get an immediate performance and stability boost. ... the full potential of your Vista or XP computer by quickly customizing otherwise obscure Windows settings with ...
Comodo System Cleaner (64 bit)
4.0.30135.26 download... the registry much more quickly - meaning your computer will get an immediate performance and stability boost. ... the full potential of your Vista or XP computer by quickly customizing otherwise obscure Windows settings with ...
jv16 PowerTools
2017 download... one go! Easily block access from your computer to known malicious websites in order to improve ... you to easily mass uninstall software from your computer. This is especially handy for un-bloating new computers ...
DTweak Pro
5.0.1 downloadDTweak is a complex tweaker which enables you to: ? Defragment disks and ... ? Clean file and registry sistems, ? Tune computer performance, ? Optimize and increase the speed of
25.2.1 download... of tools for creating Virtual disks on your computer - physical drives remain unchanged and are not ... Disks, Virtual Disks, Folder Disks, Startup Manager, System Tweaker. ExtraDisks features the following tools: ExtraDisks: Encrypted Disk ...
ExtraDisks x64
24.8.1 download... of tools for creating Virtual disks on your computer - physical drives remain unchanged and are not ... Disks, Virtual Disks, Folder Disks, Startup Manager, System Tweaker. ExtraDisks features the following tools: ExtraDisks: Encrypted Disk ...
ExtraDisks Home
25.2.1 download... of tools for creating Virtual disks on your computer - physical drives remain unchanged and are not ... Disks, Virtual Disks, Folder Disks, Startup Manager, System Tweaker. ExtraDisks features the following tools: ExtraDisks: Encrypted Disk ...
RegistryWizard download... help optimize and stabilize the performance of your computer. With each new application that is installed or each setting that is changed within Windows®, the registry gradually gets cluttered, slowing ...
SystemSwift download... designed to enhance the overall performance of your computer system. This utility combines the functionalities of three ... Throttle—into one comprehensive package, aiming to optimize your computer's speed, improve gaming performance, and enhance internet connectivity. ... Home
25.2.1 download... both novice and advanced users, as well as computer engineers. This powerful tool enhances system performance, rectifies ... Objects Eraser: Removes traces of activity on your computer. Startup Manager: Monitors, adds, removes, enables and/or disables ... Professional
25.3.1 download... both novice and advanced users, as well as computer engineers. This powerful tool enhances system performance, rectifies ... Objects Eraser: Removes traces of activity on your computer. Startup Manager: Monitors, adds, removes, enables and/or disables ...
25.2.1 download... both novice and advanced users, as well as computer engineers. This powerful tool enhances system performance, rectifies ... Objects Eraser: Removes traces of activity on your computer. Startup Manager: Monitors, adds, removes, enables and/or disables ... Pro
25.1.1 download... both novice and advanced users, as well as computer engineers. This powerful tool enhances system performance, rectifies ... Objects Eraser: Removes traces of activity on your computer. Startup Manager: Monitors, adds, removes, enables and/or disables ...
Tweak Microsoft Print to PDF
5.0 download... are tasks that will no longer require extensive computer knowledge. This handy tweak utility is designed to ... Very easy to use, even by novices, this tweaker will surely help anyone who wants to enhance ...