command.exe downloads
DRMsoft Word to EXE Converter
7.0 downloadEncrypt and convert word to exe with password protected, Support doc, docx, docm, The encrypted document can prevent from editing and copying. You can set whether or not allow your users ...
DRMsoft Excel to EXE Converter
7.0 downloadEncrypt and convert excel to exe with password protected, support xlsx, xls, xlsm, the encrypted document can prevent from editing, copying and printing, You can also set multiple encryption modes. Easily ...
Image Comparer Command Line
1.1 downloadConsole application for the purpose of finding similar or duplicate images. Runs on any win32 system and returns image pairs with the similarity percentage. Can process files, folders or lists of ...
VeryUtils TIFF Combine Command Line
2.7 downloadVeryUtils TIFF Combine Command Line is also a TIFF Compressor Command Line software, it can be used to compress, merge and combine TIFF files from command line. Tiff Combine Command Line ...
VeryUtils TIFF to PDF Converter Command Line
2.7 downloadVeryUtils TIFF to PDF Converter Command Line transforms TIFF files to PDF files on the fly. TIFF to PDF Converter Command Line contains a tiff2pdf.exe application. VeryUtils TIFF to PDF Converter ...
VeryUtils PDF Stamper Command Line
2.7 downloadVeryUtils PDF Stamper Command Line is a professional PDF stamp creator or PDF watermark creator, which can help you stamp PDF with images, text, graphic lines and rectangles. With the help ...
VeryUtils TIFF to Postscript Converter Command Line
2.7 downloadVeryUtils TIFF to Postscript Converter Command Line is a software to batch convert from TIFF files to Postscript (PS/EPS) files. PostScript is a file format that can be both vector image ...
VeryPDF PDF Font Extractor Command Line
2.0 downloadVeryPDF PDF Font Extractor Command Line is a helpful and powerful application which can help you extract font data of PDF file to TTF, CFF, and AFM file by Command Line. ...
Standalone EXE Locker
2.5 downloadConvert files into password protected executable files. Protect confidential data with ease. Just run the locked executable and enter password to unlock it ! Fast because you can unlock single files ...
Advanced Command Line PDF Stamper
1.6 downloadAdvanced Command Line PDF Stamper is a scriptable .exe utility that automates stamping of PDF documents with single-line or multiple-line verbiage. The application, aclpdfstamp.exe, has no graphical user interface, automatically locates ...
PDF Text Replacer Command Line
2.1 downloadVeryPDF PDF Text Replacer is developed for replacing text of PDF. It can replace specified text in specified positions of pages, with text or images. It can also replace all found ...
2.6 downloadExeScan is the FREE command-line tool to detect anomalies in PE (Portable Executable or EXE/DLL) files. It instantly scans EXE/DLL file and reports all kind of abnormalities in the PE header ...
TCC/LE 64-bit
14.00.9 downloadIf you are frustrated by the limitations of the Windows command prompt, TCC/LE 64-bit is the one tool you truly need. By adding thousands of features that Microsoft omitted, TCC/LE makes ...
34.1.26 downloadIf you are frustrated by the limitations of the Windows command prompt, TCC/LE 64-bit is the one tool you truly need. By adding thousands of features that Microsoft omitted, TCC/LE makes ...
Swiss File Knife
1.9.9 downloadMulti function command line tool with more than 100 commands. Upload today's photos from your mobile to PC by running a web server in the target folder. Cut videos with free ...
EXEShell COM Library
2.0 downloadDo you need execute a DOS command / batch file / exe from ASP? if yes, this EXEShell COM LIbrary will meet your requirement. ExeShell COM Library is a COM interface, ...
Woo Shell
0.4 downloadWoo Shell (wsh) is an alternative to the normal Windows command prompt (cmd.exe). It is inspired by linux shells such as bash, csh and by the xterm terminal. The shell allows ...
32.0 downloadTCC replaces the default Windows command processor CMD.EXE. TCC supports existing CMD.EXE commands and batch files, and adds thousands of new features, giving you more power and flexibility than you ever ...
Multipurpose DirectShow Encoder SDK downloadThe Datastead Multipurpose Encoder SDK is a DirectShow Multiplexer Sink/Writer filter able to compress or encode audio/video streams by invoking in the background a command-line transcoder executable, if this executable supports ...
MSI Wrapper downloadConvert EXE to MSI. Wrap exe installer in MSI package. Full parameter support. This tool can convert your setup executable to an MSI package. Using msiexec you can pass command line ...
2.2.4 downloadJar2Exe is a tool to wrap jar files into binary exe files for Windows and Linux. To start java from generated exe files is more convenient: 1) Easy to start, generated ...
VeryUtils Office to PDF Shell
2.7 downloadVeryUtils OfficeToPDF Command Line is a Command Line utility that converts Microsoft Office 2003, 2007, 2010, 2013 and 2016 documents from their native format into PDF using Office's in-built PDF export ...
Resource Tuner Console
2.24 downloadResource Tuner Console is a tool that enables developers to automate batch editing of the resources embedded in 32 and 64-bit Windows executable files. This command-line resource editor allows using VBScript ...
CertFromExe downloadThis freeware program allows you to extract the X.509 Certificate from any signed EXE file (32-bit and 64-bit) which will then be automatically decoded: The Certificate text itself, the Metadata fields, ...
SMTPMailer downloadSend SMTP emails from the command line. Multiple attachments, HTML, CC, BCC. Example: SMTPMAIL.EXE from=email to=email body="Hello World!" subject=Example ...