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X-Evince [rev3] download... tiff and dvi. Now you can view and analyze all your important documents with this handy and accessible instrument. FEATURES: Search: · Integrated search displaying the number of ...
13.0.4 downloadA Complete Foundation Solution RISAFoundation gives you the ability to solve and optimize all types of foundation systems, including mat foundations, grade beams, pile caps, retaining walls, isolated spread footings ...
Oasys AdSec
8.4 Build 41 downloadAdSec’s analysis helps design all kinds of sections under load. Working from first principles, software can handle sections made from concrete, steel or fibre-reinforced polymer (FRP) sections, or any combinations of ...
2.2.1 download... your buck. With Domainer you can quickly analyze the value of domains by getting quick access to a website's Google PageRank, AlexaRank, Incoming Links, Delicious Social Tags and popular ...
Domainer for Mac
2.2.1 download... your buck. With Domainer you can quickly analyze the value of domains by getting quick access to a website's Google PageRank, AlexaRank, Incoming Links, Delicious Social Tags and popular ...
Brackets Sprint
1.14.2 download... allow you to edit CSS rules, scripts and analyze the performance of a webpage. This is a very early version of Brackets, a code editor for HTML, CSS and ...
Page Turning for PowerPoint
2.6 download... copyright and Google Analytics ID to monitor and analyze the traffic of your online flip book. Designing the Flash PowerPoint as you like! ...
Six Sigma Toolbox
1.0.122 download... Excel, integrating completely with your spreadsheet. Browse, model, analyze - while never leaving Excel. All Six Sigma tool functions are true Excel functions, and behave exactly as native Excel functions ...
Applied Vision for Mac
4.6.1 downloadApplied Vision for Mac is a handy application that allows you to capture images from Ken-A-Vision devices and format them for presentations. The program can capture an image and manipulate it ...
FMS File Size
3.0.10 downloadFMS File Size is an easy-to-use disk space analyze tool to scan your whole disks or folders and show various kinds of detail reports to you, such as Empty Folders ...
FREE Outlook PST Reporter
2.0 download... for an administrator as he might need to analyze all statistics and take decision. Free Outlook PST reporter software gives detailed summary about PST file items whereby creating individual CSV ...
Hyperball download... scanners in the VirusTotal infrastructure, the application can analyze files, MD5 hashes and URLs. The PE information module analyzes the application’s file headers to extract key information ...
Ladybug Motion 2D
1.02 download... motion, and record and playback the motion to analyze the behavior. Sample Learning Goals Draw motion vectors (position, velocity, or acceleration) for an object moving in 2D. Interpret position, ...
3.5 downloadProgram wordTabulator is intended for text analysis. With help of wordTabulator you can generate index of word elements extracted from defined text set. Word elements may be words, N-grams (of defined ...
fx-Calc download... on top of calculation and visualization fx-Calc can analyze and solve scientific functions. fx-Calc is based on a powerful function interpreter, implemented in Microsoft C#. Key features: ...
1.0.2 downloadLongoMatch is a useful and reliable application developed to be a sport video analysis tool for coaches and sports scientists and to assist them on making games video analysis. It simplifies ...
LongoMatch for Mac OS X
1.2.2 downloadLongoMatch is a useful and reliable application developed to be a sport video analysis tool for coaches and sports scientists and to assist them on making games video analysis. It simplifies ...
LongoMatch for Linux
1.0.2 downloadLongoMatch is a useful and reliable application developed to be a sport video analysis tool for coaches and sports scientists and to assist them on making games video analysis. It simplifies ...
Numerology Calculator
3.41 download... to the alphabet. This makes it possible to analyze names to find their numeric significance. There are two widely used systems. The Chaldean and the Pythagorean systems of numerology. ...
0.8.5 downloadJarVisualizer is a handy and reliable Java-based application designed to display the contents of JAR files in a graph-like view. JarVisualizer allows you to examine the contents of JAR items ...
Active Query Builder for .NET
2.1 download... can easily parse SQL queries as well as analyze and modify them programmatically via the internal query builder objects. The detailed information about used database objects and fields is available ...
ETL Framework
3.3 downloadETL Framework is an open source extract transform load engine written in Java. It runs on all major platforms and can be easily integrated into other applications. ETL Framework is free ...
3D-Tool Free Viewer
14.10 download... This gives you the ability to visualize, graphically analyze, measure and mark-up your CAD projects in 3D. The Free Viewer does not provide the ability to save your modificaitons or ...
Email Content Analysis Tool
1.3 download... analysis tool furthermore provides email analysis aspect to analyze email evidences of different email applications such as PST, OST, INCREDIMAIL, EUDORA, MOZILLA THUNDERBIRD etc. as it has the capability to ...
Remove Logo Now!
8.1 download... full auto mode! Remove Logo Now! will automatically analyze the video stream, locate and remove static overlays such as channel logos, unwanted subtitles and watermarks. The unique Inpainting algorithm gracefully ...