analyze downloads


7.1 download

ABSORB is a program for Windows to calculate and apply absorption corrections to X-ray intensity data from any source and any detector type (lab or synchrotron, point detector or area detector). ...


4.321.10549 download

Compiling kappa creates two biraries, simplx and complx. simplx is for simulation, complx is for static analysis. A domain-specific language that allows the expression or protein interactions that can be used ...

GOM Inspect

7.5 SR1 download

GOM Inspect - Powerful, free software for inspection and mesh processing GOM Inspect is a free 3D inspection and mesh processing software for dimensional analysis of 3D point clouds and ...


5.2 download

MTMineR is a handy and reliable text mining application that you can use to process text files and count text elements. It can determine the n-gram and word co-occurrence frequencies ...

Unipro UGENE 64-bit

50.0 download

Unipro UGENE 64-bit is a free visual software solution for DNA and protein sequence analysis. UGENE provides customizable tools for visualization, analysis, annotation of genetic sequences. Features: Integrated ...


1.6 download

This project provides a generic CDS (or ARINC 661 Server), coded in the Java language in order to facilitate the understanding of the ARINC 661 standard, prototype ARINC 661 concepts and ...


2.5.9 download

Trackspacer is an award-nominated plugin that creates space in a mix by carving the frequencies that the main track needs into another track in real-time. Trackspacer is no ordinary plugin, ...

Weather Station Data Logger download

This Windows application will display and log weather data obtained through a USB connection to the Oregon Scientific WMR88, WMR100, WMR200 and RMS300 weather stations. You will find features here for ...

Excel Count Frequently Used Phrases Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to count the number of times specified phrases occur in multiple Excel files. The user simply adds the required files or chooses ...

O&O DriveLED Professional Edition

4.2.157 download

When is it the right time for giving your computer a rest? When it’s too hot? Overloaded? Vital components are on the verge of breaking down? No other single part of ...

O&O DriveLED Professional Edition x64

4.2.157 download

When is it the right time for giving your computer a rest? When it’s too hot? Overloaded? Vital components are on the verge of breaking down? No other single part of ...

O&O DriveLED Workstation Edition

4.1.57 download

When is it the right time for giving your computer a rest? When it’s too hot? Overloaded? Vital components are on the verge of breaking down? No other single part of ...

O&O DriveLED Workstation Edition x64

4.1.57 download

When is it the right time for giving your computer a rest? When it’s too hot? Overloaded? Vital components are on the verge of breaking down? No other single part of ...

O&O DriveLED Server Edition x64

4.2.157 download

When is it the right time for giving your computer a rest? When it’s too hot? Overloaded? Vital components are on the verge of breaking down? No other single part of ...

O&O DriveLED Server Edition

4.2.157 download

When is it the right time for giving your computer a rest? When it’s too hot? Overloaded? Vital components are on the verge of breaking down? No other single part of ...

Backlink Monitor download

Backlink Monitor is the easiest way to track and manage your website backlinks. Just enter your backlink URLs and let Backlink Montior check the status, anchor text, IP address and PageRank ...

PTC Mathcad Express

3.1 download

PTC Mathcad Express is free-for-life engineering math software. You get unlimited use of the most popular capabilities in PTC Mathcad - the most powerful technical calculation software available. Easily solve, document, ...


0.9.3 Beta download

SleepyHead was developed as a powerful and interactive viewer for CPAP machine data. CPAP machines record a great deal of data about the sleep patterns of patients. This data is ...


4.3.0 download

PIPE2 is an open source, platform independent tool for creating and analysing Petri nets including Generalised Stochastic Petri nets. Petri nets are a popular way for modelling concurrency and synchronisation in ...

WellCAD x64

5.3 B625 download

WellCAD x64 is PC based composite log package, which combines comprehensive graphic editing mechanisms and data processing tools. Combining technically excellent display, editing and analysis capabilities for well data, WellCAD ...

Spirograph download

Spirograph is a tiny, handy application that was specially designed to offer you a tool to simulate a Spirograph toy. This program actually does more than simulate by adding ...


1.8.2 download

Tray-based weather app featuring multiple location support. Tray icons for conditions and temperature (optional). Tray icons and images are customizable. Weather data is provided by Yahoo! Weather. sWeather will display weather ...

HDDExpert download

Portable HDDExpert can come in handy to all users who want to effortlessly check the health and performance levels of their hard disk. HDDExpert give you a cristal-clear vision on your ...

Logic Expression

3.00 download

Program Logic Expression (LE) calculates and analyzes the logical (Boolean) expression. Supports logical operators: negation, conjunction, disjunction, exclusive disjunction, implication and equivalence. Supports work with: up to 500 (five hundred) ...

RawDigger x64 download

A tool to visualize and examine pure raw data as the camera has recorded it. In essence, it is a microscope of sorts that lets you drill down into raw data. ...