enzymes downloads


4.7 download

Wellness Software is a vast compilation of known alternative medicine and natural healing therapies! Search quickly or take your time browsing through the large Afflictions (303 entries) and Herbal (540+ herbs) ...

ApE for Mac OS X

2.0.30 Alpha download

... Has user defined enzyme grouping to distiguish eg. enzymes currently in stock. Allows users to define new enzymes by name and recognition site. Imports DNA Strider ...

Unipro UGENE for Mac

50.0 download

... PSIPRED; Phylogenetic analysis with Phylip; Search for restriction enzymes and integration with REBASE; Extremely fast repeat finder; DNA short reads to reference alignment using Bowtie; De novo assembly with CAP3; ...

Unipro UGENE for Linux

50.0 download

... PSIPRED; Phylogenetic analysis with Phylip; Search for restriction enzymes and integration with REBASE; Extremely fast repeat finder; DNA short reads to reference alignment using Bowtie; De novo assembly with CAP3; ...

Unipro UGENE 64-bit

50.0 download

... PSIPRED; Phylogenetic analysis with Phylip; Search for restriction enzymes and integration with REBASE; Extremely fast repeat finder; DNA short reads to reference alignment using Bowtie; De novo assembly with CAP3; ...

Primer Premier

6.25 download

... analysis- Select from the database of over 800 enzymes and 200 common motifs. Clustal W alignments- Load the aligned sequences after performing ClustalW alignment using any resource, including EBI. Multiple ...


3.11 download

... restriction enzyme analysis with a defined set of enzymes Performing a DNA promoter analysis with specified transcription factors Locating strong nucleosome positioning signals in DNA Performing multiple alignments of DNA, ...