hklm downloads
Free Registry Jump
2.5 download... in standard (e.g. HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) and abbreviated form (e.g. HKLM). It also can jump to a key you've copied to the clipboard. ...
RegmagiK Registry Editor 64 bit
4.10.7 downloadRegmagiK is advanced Windows Registry editor. Familiar regedit user interface with unique enhancements like fast search, drag-n-drop, autocomplete address bar, and integration with Windows Explorer make it great power user's tool. ...
Registry Workshop
5.0.1 download... path or URL. - Quickly jump to the HKLM or HKCU equivalent. - Quickly jump to the Wow6432Node or non-Wow6432Node equivalent. - Allow to open multiple local registry windows. - ...
1.11 download... program has created a null-embedded key: >C:regdelnull hklm -sRegDelNull v1.11 - Delete Registry keys with embedded ... Null-embedded key (Nulls are replaced by '*'): HKLMSOFTWARESystems InternalsCan't touch me!* Delete (y/n) y Scan complete. ...