bash commands downloads
1.9.4 download... supports a wide range of shell types, including bash, zsh, and fish. This versatility ensures that users can work in their preferred shell without any compatibility issues. The software is ...
Woo Shell
0.4 download... It is inspired by linux shells such as bash, csh and by the xterm terminal. The shell allows execution of commands with pipelining and sequencing. Woo Shell (wsh) ... It is inspired by linux shells such as bash, csh and by the xterm terminal. The shell ...
2020.08.24 download... in the web forms or send complex parametric commands via remote desktop window or via console of virtual machine even when copy/paste does not work) neatly organized and always one ...
Git for Windows
2.49.0 download... and experienced users. The installation package includes Git Bash, a powerful command-line interface that emulates a Unix ... users with a familiar environment to execute Git commands. This feature is particularly beneficial for developers transitioning ...
Portable MobaXterm
25.1 download... together a multitude of network tools and Unix commands in a single, portable executable file, making it ... MobaXterm also boasts a powerful set of Unix commands and tools, which are natively supported without the ...
Terminal Password Manager
0.14.23b download... aficionados, it’s a breath of fresh air. The commands are intuitive and well-documented, ensuring a smooth learning ... of configuration options. Whether it’s setting up custom commands, integrating with other terminal tools, or automating routine ...
Eddie for Mac OS X
3.4.2 download... editor with an extensive set of powerful editing commands, unlimited Undo, innovative keyboard shortcuts such as Smart ... handling huge source files Worksheet windows integrate full bash shell with full editability, enhanced Tab-completion support Lighting-fast ...