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ImTOO Video Cutter for Mac download... allow you preview your videos before they are exported. Incredibly user-friendly interface allows you to precisely chop what parts of the video you would like to keep, and which parts ...
2.3 downloadOpen3DGRID is an application designed for high-throughput generation of molecular interaction fields or MIFs. Open3DGRID can generate steric potential, electron density and MM / QM electrostatic potential fields; furthermore, it can ...
Open3DGRID x64
2.3 downloadOpen3DGRID x64 is an application designed for high-throughput generation of molecular interaction fields or MIFs. Open3DGRID x64 can generate steric potential, electron density and MM / QM electrostatic potential fields; furthermore, ...
Open3DGRID for Mac OS X
2.3 downloadOpen3DGRID is an application designed for high-throughput generation of molecular interaction fields or MIFs. Open3DGRID can generate steric potential, electron density and MM / QM electrostatic potential fields; furthermore, it can ...
Open3DGRID for Linux
2.3 downloadOpen3DGRID is an application designed for high-throughput generation of molecular interaction fields or MIFs. Open3DGRID can generate steric potential, electron density and MM / QM electrostatic potential fields; furthermore, it can ...
IconLibraryX downloadIconLibraryX is a Windows icon finder, icon maker and favicon generator software for your icon collection. Different with other traditional icon library applications, IconLibraryX introduces an extended icon library format that ...
ImTOO iPhone Contacts Transfer for Mac download... Yahoo, Outlook, and Windows by introducing CSV/vCard files exported from it! Don't hesitate, grab a copy and download ImTOO iPhone Contacts Transfer for Mac today! Features: 1.Keep a safely stored ...
Smart Print Pro
1.30.7 download... view is automatically generated and can be printed, exported to PDF or emailed directly, no intervention required. -Printer-friendly representation of your lists and items -Print, convert to PDF or ...
Euler Math Toolbox
2024-01-14 download... can also be imported into the text window, exported to files or to the clipboard. More on this in the reference for the user interface. The Maxima subsystem communicates ...
2.24 downloadOpen3DQSAR is an open-source tool aimed at pharmacophore exploration by high-throughput chemometric analysis of molecular interaction fields (MIFs). Open3DQSAR can generate steric potential, electron density and MM/QM electrostatic potential fields; furthermore, ...
Open3DQSAR x64
2.24 downloadOpen3DQSAR x64 is an open-source tool aimed at pharmacophore exploration by high-throughput chemometric analysis of molecular interaction fields (MIFs). Open3DQSAR can generate steric potential, electron density and MM/QM electrostatic potential fields; ...
Open3DQSAR for Linux
2.24 downloadOpen3DQSAR is an open-source tool aimed at pharmacophore exploration by high-throughput chemometric analysis of molecular interaction fields (MIFs). Open3DQSAR can generate steric potential, electron density and MM/QM electrostatic potential fields; furthermore, ...
Open3DQSAR for Mac OS X
2.24 downloadOpen3DQSAR is an open-source tool aimed at pharmacophore exploration by high-throughput chemometric analysis of molecular interaction fields (MIFs). Open3DQSAR can generate steric potential, electron density and MM/QM electrostatic potential fields; furthermore, ...
3.7.0 download... lists or file lists can be printed and exported into several different formats, such as PDF, HTML, CSV, TXT, RTF, etc. ...
XIA Configuration Server
3.4.5 download... through an intuitive web interface and can be exported into professional reports to share with others. How can XIA Configuration help you? XIA Configuration saves you time and money ...
Flip Album
3.1 download... from your photo collections. The output can be exported to standalone EXE file, CDDVD, Mobile devices (iPhone, iPad, and Android devices) or published to the web in flash format. Flip ...
2.5.1 download... and examine them in 3D. Graphics can be exported to various formats, including animations. Major features: Gabedit can Creates input file for GAMESS(US), GAUSSIAN, MOLCAS, MOLPRO , MPQC, ...
Gabedit for Linux
2.5.1 download... and examine them in 3D. Graphics can be exported to various formats, including animations. Major features: Gabedit can Creates input file for GAMESS(US), GAUSSIAN, MOLCAS, MOLPRO , MPQC, ...
1.10 download... In addition, SBML models can be imported and exported. The models and simulation parameters can be read from input files or edited within the program. The GUI (Graphical User ...
Cain for Mac OS X
1.10 download... In addition, SBML models can be imported and exported. The models and simulation parameters can be read from input files or edited within the program. The GUI (Graphical User ...
Redhaven Outline
1.5.2 download... in an outline can be filtered, viewed and exported in many different ways. The information in an outline can be rapidly searched. The information in an outline can be immediately ...
2.01.07 download... multiple or all options. your images can be exported in several formats: JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF, TIFF, TGA, XPM, XBM, and PPM. Batch Convert Choose several pictures or add a ...
Free Mac Mail Email Extractor download... from .mbox files saved by Mac Mail application. Exported Mac Mail emails can be stored for backup purposes and then imported to another supported email application. EML files are widely ...
Dynamic Webcam SDK
8.0 download... a container and grab a snapshot to be exported to a file/binary. The library is based on the DirectShow API and works with all USB video device class (UVC) and ...
2.01.07 download... or all options. Your images can be exported in several formats: JPG, PNG, BMP, TIF, TIFF, TGA, XPM, XBM, and PPM. Batch Convert Choose several pictures or add ...