code lines downloads
2.13 download... graph up and running with just a few lines of code, and can manipulate the graph layout at runtime ... or horizontal optional error bars * Configurable grid lines, tick marks, borders, backgrounds * Legend tables, reverse ...
Bytescout Screen Capturing SDK
2.56.1044 download... video recording (WMV, AVI) as easy as 5 lines of code in your Visual Basic, C# or C++ application. ... capture functionality to your application with a few lines of code using ActiveX/COM object! * Royalty-free distribution ...
BasicVideo VCL
8.0 download... fast video capture, display and playback with zero lines of program code. The library supports the old fashion Win32 API( ... user's perspective. Also includes Visual Graphical Editor for Codeless Development and Visual Live Bindings. Contains: - Video ...
8.0 download... fast video capture, display and playback with zero lines of program code. The library supports the old fashion Win32 API( ... perspective. Also includes a visual graphical editor for codeless development. Contains: - Video Capture - from analog ...
Java PDF Library
2022.11.1 download... PDF Library you don't need to write complex codes or complex software like Adobe Acrobat Reader. Just write simple and clean code to make it all work. Popular PDF features ... document all these features are just a few lines of code away using this Java PDF Library. ...
LogicLab VCL
8.0 download... or complex hardware simulations, and modeling with zero lines of program code. Also includes Visual Graphical Editor for Codeless Development and Visual Live Bindings. Contains: - Generators, ... inverter - Encoders and decoders - boolean, gray code, and segment - Flip-flops and registers - D, ...
ConyEdit for Windows
1.1.2 download... Batch processing includes batch print, batch processing of lines or columns (extraction, insertion, deletion, replacement, modification, append before/after lines/columns, etc), and batch processing of strings (extraction, replacement, ... arrays for subsequent reference, which greatly enhances the code generation capability and the text replacement capability. These ...
AudioLab VC++
8.0 download... Allows audio capture, processing and playback with zero lines of program code. AudioLab supports Wave Win32 API, Audio ACM, and ...
SignalLab VC++
8.0 download... visualization. Allows fast complex signal manipulations with zero lines of program code. SignalLab consists of SignalPlayer, SignalLogger, Signal Generator for ...
VideoLab VCL
8.0 download... processing. Allows fast complex video manipulations with zero lines of program code. The library supports many different technologies and allows ... of them. Also includes visual graphical editor for codeless development and Visual Live Bindings. Contains: - Video ...
AudioLab VCL
8.0 download... audio capture, processing, playback, and broadcastiong with zero lines of program code. AudioLab supports Wave Win32 API, Audio ACM, and ... the user. Also includes Visual Graphical Editor for Codeless Development and Visual Live Bindings. Contains: - Capture ...
VideoLab VC++
8.0 download... fast video capture, display and playback with zero lines of program code. The library supports the old fashion Win32 API( ...
SignalLab VCL
8.0 download... visualization. Allows fast complex signal manipulations with zero lines of program code. The library is fully multithreaded, utilizes very well ... native performance. Also includes Visual Graphical Editor for Codeless Development and Visual Live Bindings. Contains: - Signal ...
4.0.2 download... applications, and web pages with just a few lines of code. The java chart library includes bar charts, line ...
VideoLab .NET
8.0 download... processing. Allows fast complex video manipulations with zero lines of program code. The library supports many different technologies and allows ... them. Also includes a Visual Graphical Editor for Codeless Development. Contains: - Video Capture - from analog ...
SignalLab .NET
8.0 download... visualization. Allows fast complex signal manipulations with zero lines of program code. The library is fully multithreaded, utilizes very well ... performance. Also includes a visual graphical editor for codeless development. Contains: - Signal Generators - Tone, Square, ...
AudioLab .NET
8.0 download... audio capture, processing, playback and br with zero lines of program code. AudioLab supports Wave Win32 API, Audio ACM, and ... perspective. Also includes a visual graphical editor for codeless development. Contains: - Capture - captures audio from ...
RapidSpell Desktop .NET
5.3 download... to any textual application with a couple of lines of code. RapidSpell Desktop can also be used in non ...
BasicVideo VC++
8.0 download... fast video capture, display and playback with zero lines of program code. The library supports the old fashion Win32 API( ...
BasicAudio VCL
8.0 download... processing. Allows audio capture and playback with zero lines of program code. AudioLab supports both the old fashion Wave Win32 ... user's perspective. Also includes visual graphical editor for codeless development and Visual Live Bindings. Contains: - Capture ...
RapidSpell Web Java
5.2 download... value into Web applications with a couple of lines of JSP code. RapidSpell Web provides JSP developers and designers with ...
8.0 download... processing. Allows audio capture and playback with zero lines of program code. AudioLab supports both the old fashion Wave Win32 ... perspective. Also includes a visual graphical editor for codeless development. Contains: - Capture - captures audio from ...
BasicAudio VC++
8.0 download... processing. Allows audio capture and playback with zero lines of program code. AudioLab supports both the old fashion Wave Win32 ...
AnimationLab VCL
8.0 download... non visual 2D or 3D component with zero lines of program code. Animate controls, 2D and 3D objects, user interface ... in seconds! Also includes Visual Graphical Editor for Codeless Development and Visual Live Bindings. Contains: - Multi-Channel ...
Touch N Go
1.0.61228.0 download... fingerprint recognition in their application with just FOUR lines of code. This Biometric Identification Software is one of the ...