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PasswdFinder downloadRecover lost passwords from more than 100 programs, including browsers, instant ... 1.x - 6.x Internet Explorer 4.x - 9.x Opera 6.x - 11.x Mozilla Browser Mozilla Firefox Mozilla ... Outlook Express 6.0 Mozilla Thunderbird 1.x - 3.x Opera Email Client PocoMail 3.x - 4.x POP Peeper ...
5.3.7 downloadSpotAuditor is an advanced password recovery software for recovering over 40 programs passwords including Google Chrome, Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Microsoft Office Outloook, passwords for AOL, Google, Facebook, MSN, Yahoo and ICQ ...
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1.6 downloadSterJo Mail Passwords is a lightweight software that recovers forgotten mail passwords for Microsoft Outlook, Gmail, Yahoo, Hotmail, AOL, GMX, ... web browsers like Chrome, Firefox, Edge, Internet Explorer, Opera, Vivaldi and Brave. The interface has very simple ...
SterJo Browser Passwords
2.0 downloadHow many times have you forgotten the password to a website where you have created an ... Most browsers will ask if you want your password saved, but if you use a different computer ...
2.12 downloadWebBrowserPassView is a password recovery tool that reveals the passwords stored by the following Web browsers: Internet Explorer ... Mozilla Firefox (All Versions), Google Chrome, Safari, and Opera. This tool can be used to recover your ...
5.3.7 downloadSpotAuditoris is a comprehensive solution for recovering passwords and other critical business information saved in computers, it recovers more than 30 programs passwords! SpotAuditor recovers Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Outlook Express, ...
Easy SpaceGuard
1.5.7a download... other Web browsing activities in:Internet Explorer, Netscape, Firefox, Opera Browsers, Microsoft Media Player, RealOne Player, Kazaa, Morpheus, ... files from your system with no way to recover them, tested with some of the most popular ...