which downloads

PoiZone for Mac OS X

2.4.5 download

... concept behind PoiZone was to develop a synthesizer which would have the smallest number of controls while providing the maximum flexibility and features. Useless knobs were ruthlessly removed so ...

Bluetooth Proximity Lock

1.5.0 download

BtProx locks on one of your Bluetooth devices which are paired to the the machine. When you walk away from the computer the device is disconnected and the computer is ...

HTMLCombobox download

HTMLCombobox is a component which will help developers create combobxes with HTML formatting capabilities. Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags (see the mini HTML reference). With HTML ...

TAdvReflectionLabel download

TAdvReflectionLabel is a component which allows developers to create labels with reflection properties. * Label with built-in automatic reflection display * Support for HTML formatted text. See mini HTML ...


5.39 download

... and v5 proxy servers. You can tell ProxyCap which applications will connect to the Internet through a proxy and under what circumstances. ProxyCap is done through a user-friendly interface, without ...

ProxyCap 64 bit

5.39 download

... and v5 proxy servers. You can tell ProxyCap which applications will connect to the Internet through a proxy and under what circumstances. ProxyCap is done through a user-friendly interface, without ...

ProxyCap for Mac

2.28 download

... and v5 proxy servers. You can tell ProxyCap which applications will connect to the Internet through a proxy and under what circumstances. ProxyCap is done through a user-friendly interface, without ...


0.85 download

... designed to register two hotkey combination with Windows which correspond to the volume up and volume down commands. An optional On-Screen volume meter can give a visual indication of the ...

musicGuru for Linux

1.4.3 download

musicGuru is a music management software which helps you rename, move, copy, record to CD your songs without getting your collection disorganized. The central piece of musicGuru is its ...

musicGuru for Mac OS X

1.4.3 download

musicGuru is a music management software which helps you rename, move, copy, record to CD your songs without getting your collection disorganized. The central piece of musicGuru is its ...

Mozilla ActiveX Control

1.7.12 download

... hand, Internet Explorer shipped with an ActiveX control which allowed exactly that ability. So what would it take for developers to use the Mozilla control as opposed to the IE ...

VirutKiller download

... function of Virus.Win32.Virut.ce, q is a botnet client which is used by the virus to transmit data from an infected PC. Here you can read more about botnets and their ...

Moo0 FontViewer

1.12 download

... text of your choice. Have you ever wondered which font to use for your design? Then, this may be the tool you've been looking for. With the help of ...


1.2.6 download

... control software that uses an original codec "GaeBolgVideoCodec," which has been developed not only for remote controlling but also for more intensive use, such as gaming or playing movies. In ...

Bimoid server download

... messaging network. Bimoid server is a system service which after installation will be ready to accept connections from all users of your network and will allow them to communicate each ...

Speed Dial download

Speed Dial With allows you to easily access the websites most used by you. To show the Speed Dial tab, use the Speed Dial button (which can be added to the ...

Outlook Attachment Sniffer download

Outlook Attachment Sniffer is an Outlook Add-In, which allows you to deal with specific tasks on emails, either on the selected emails or on complete Outlook folders. Export attachments (with ...


3.0.42 download

Backup up your documents, images & other files which automatically track changes to files. Oops!Backup not only backs up & recovers most recent versions of a file but also allows ...


0.8 download

The DGB is a distributed graph database, which enables the storing and querying of heterogeneous data in the form of a semantic network. The primary purpose of the DGB is ...

Database Pooler

0.1.6 download

A Java-based database connection pooling utility, which supports time-based expiry, connection validation and easy configuration using a pool manager.The user has to just include the jar file and he is ...

Semagic download

... either via MS Word or using internal spellchecker which is based on MySpell library. ...

S-Energy Manager

2.0 download

... bus system to S-Energy Managers, an operator panel which shows captured energy data. Values are read via LAN/Internet from a S-Energy Manager. ...

freeTunes download

freeTunes enables you to convert your purchased CDs, DVDs, music- and video files legally into more compatible formats (which can still be played tomorrow). In addition to audio CDs and video ...

DBEdit for Mac

2.4.5 download

... is a database editing tool, written in Java, which is suitable as a front-end GUI for your Oracle, DB2 or MySQL database. Its aim is to use the features of ...

Rainlendar Pro x64

2.21.1 download

... x64 is a full of features calendar tool which is quite simple to use and doesn't take much space on your desktop. The application is platform independent so you can ...