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Backup4all Professional
9.9.969 download... protects your data against online threats such as WannaCry (WannaCrypt) Ransomware or other viruses by backing up your data to online destinations (Google Drive, Microsoft OneDrive, ...). Using Backup4all you ...
AOMEI Backupper Free For WNCRY Ransomware
4.0.3 download... telecoms giant Telefonica) were attacked by this so-called WannaCry variant of ransomware. So what is the best ... been released to protect system and files from WannaCry Ransomware cyber attack. With the help of AOMEI ...
Ransom Away
1.0 downloadRansomAway version 1.0 Prevents the Petia Ransomware from attacking. It has been discovered that the Petya Ransomware checks for a read-only file, C:Windowsperfc.dat, and if it finds it, it wont run ...
360 Document Protector downloadLarge infection of ransomware is increasingly threatening the security of the Internet, a large number of user data files being destoryed by virus, such as the recent outbreaks 'WannaCry', a ransom ...
iBeesoft Data Recovery
2.6 download... rising in this year like new Petya and WannaCry Ransomware, system crash, volume loss, improper operation or other reasons.Complete wizard and easy-to-use interface let you perform data recovery on Windows ...