length downloads


1.31n download

OldMovie is a plug-in for Windows graphics applications such as Adobe PhotoShop, Corel PhotoPaint, JASC Paint Shop Pro, Denabe Canvas, Satori PhotoXL, ULead PhotoImpact and other PhotoShop plug-in compatible applications (for ...


3.7.0 download

Measurement unit conversion program. You can convert between 1545 different units quickly and easily. iUnit also displays the values of 91 physical constants. iUnit converts between the following types of units: ...


1.1 download

With the Harmonix Photoshop plug-in you can create complex waveforms. The waveforms generated by Harmonix are created by mixing (or superimposing for the more technically-minded) harmonic frequencies. All features of the ...


1.04 download

SnowScape is a PhotoShop plug-in for creating piles of snow, dirt, sand, gooey, slimy stuff, blood and similar effects to your (semi-)transparent images. You can specify where you want the snow ...

PDF Compress

3.02 download

Reduce the actual size of PDF files by compressing font, text and graphics. Compressed PDF files can be opened and viewed by Adobe Acrobat Reader all versions without any issue. The ...

TextMaster Split File

2.0 download

Software tool for slicing any fixed or delimited text files into specified number of text files with the same structure. Features include defining number of files to split into based on ...

TextMaster Data Editor Standard Edition download

TextMaster is an extremely powerful and unique flat file editor. It allows you to very quickly and easily query your fixed/delimited files, as if they were an SQL database. This means ...

PLUS 1D:Bar Nesting

9.xx download

PLUS 1D is a Bar Nesting optimization software, which helps reduce the waste in cutting any 1D (linear) material like pipe, bar, sections, flanges, angles, beams, tubes, channels, frames, extrusions etc. ...


3.07 download

Improve your writing by using myWordCount to count characters, words and phrases in your Word document, RTF/TXT file, websites, pasted text, or Scrivener project. Display all occurences of words, 3/4/5-word phrases, ...

CADinTools Macros for CorelDRAW

405.54 download

Extra tools for your CorelDRAW 11-2020 or CorelDESIGNER 12-2020 application: Selection Filter, Scale, Information, Curve edition, Transform shapes and nodes, Line/Arc3P, Arcs, Isometric, Surface Development, Origin of coordinates, Calculator, unit conversion, ...

FoxPro Display Table Structure Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to display the table structure (field name, data type, description, etc.) of one or more FoxPro tables. The user simply chooses the ...

Manipulate Text In Many Ways Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to manipulate text using several options. The features for this software include: Add Prefix/Suffix Into Each Text Line, Remove Line Breaks, Add ...

Dummy File Maker Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to generate a file with random data for a multitude of purposes. Whether you need a dummy file to verify file transfer ...

VideoCAD Starter

7.0 download

VideoCAD is a multifunctional tool for CCTV design. VideoCAD Starter - the easiest, low cost version of VideoCAD. VideoCAD Starter is less demanding of computer resources because of absence of resource-intensive ...

Summarize Large Amounts Of Text Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to summarize many sentences. The software looks at certain areas and key words within the text to extract the important sentences. Simply ...

Excel To Fixed Width Text File Converter Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to save multiple Excel XLS/XLSX files to a fixed width text file format. Each sheet will be saved to an independent text ...

VideoCAD Starter II Kit

7.1 download

CCTV design software package including 3 programs: VideoCAD Starter II - advanced version of 2D/3D CCTV design tool - VideoCAD Starter. VideoCAD Starter II offers advanced features formerly available in the ...


1.04 download

AioFlo is a powerful and user-friendly Windows application that performs pipe sizing, flow rate and pressure drop calculations for liquids and isothermal gases. Information for a wide range of fittings such ...

TextMaster Data Editor Pro Edition download

TextMaster is an extremely powerful and unique flat file editor. It allows you to very quickly and easily query your fixed/delimited files, as if they were an SQL database. This means ...

One Word Per Line Converter Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to split words into separate lines. The user can type, paste or load the text from a file before starting the splitting. ...

Increase or Decrease Speed Of Multiple MP4 Video Files Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to increase or decrease the speed of MP4 video files. You simply add the required files or an entire folder. You can ...

Add Enter After Each Sentence Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to insert enters after sentence characters in one or more text files. The user simply chooses the required files or an entire ...

Audiobook Cutter download

... consist of multiple MP3 files · Minimum track length between 15 seconds and 72 minutes · Custom track name · MP3 file drag and drop · Translations: Arabic, Basque, Croatian, ...

5 award

Atom TechSoft PST Password Recovery

1.0 download

... language of characters . Feature 2* No limit length is restricted here by the application because it recover every length of password very smoothly . Feature 3* This ...

5 award

ImTOO Audio Encoder download

... into several, split either by size or time length. 8.Convert your file to the exact size using ImTOO Audio Encoder’s handy Bitrate Calculator tool. 9.Convert your file to meet specific ...