wave 4 downloads
Generate Tones By Frequency Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to generate tones based on hertz. The user specifies the length (in seconds), type and the frequency or frequency range, before producing ...
Random Tone Generator Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to create multiple random tones. You simply specify the number of tones, the max and min frequency to generate in the set ...
1.16.0 download... technology upgrade. Supported file formats: MPEG-1 Layer3 (MP3), WaveAudio (WAV), Windows Media Audio (WMA). Some features of AudioSlimmer : - conversion of MP3 files to WM Audio8 format - conversion ...
MP3 Speech To Text Converter Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to transcribe multiple spoken MP3 files to text files. The user first chooses the required files, an entire folder or can simply ...
WaveCut Audio Editor downloadWaveCut Audio Editor is an enhanced version of our free audio editor for Windows. With greater speed and multi-window interface, it remained all the same compact and easy to use. ...
Music Masterworks
4.29 downloadMake your own music with our award-winning voice-to-note music composition software. With Music Masterworks you can compose by just singing into your microphone and/or recording from your MIDI compatible digital piano/keyboard. ...
Wavepad Audio Editor Free
8.20 downloadWavePad is a Free Music and Audio Editor for ... add effects like echo, amplification and noise reduction. Wavepad Music and Audio Editor Free Features: * Sound editing functions include cut, ...
2021.08 download... signal. This signal is combined from technical indicators, waves, and cycles data by Artificial Intelligence (AI) module. Based on prediction accuracy, AI decides what time-frame signals to include. The software ...
Virtual Audio Cable
4.70 download... Vegas). - Audio editors/recorders (Audacity, Adobe Audition, GoldWave, WaveLab, Sound Forge). - Virtual Machines (VMware Player/Workstation, VirtualBox, Hyper-V). - Amateur and software-defined radio (Flex Radio, PowerSDR, HAM Radio Deluxe, HamSphere, ...
MultitrackStudio for Mac Lite
9.4.2 downloadMultitrackStudio lets you record your own songs. You can record instrumental or vocal tracks while playing along with previously recorded tracks. You can mix the tracks, add audio effects, edit mistakes ...
MultitrackStudio for Windows Lite
9.4 downloadMultitrackStudio lets you record your own songs. You can record instrumental or vocal tracks while playing along with previously recorded tracks. You can mix the tracks, add audio effects, edit mistakes ...
WAV Speech To Text Converter Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to transcribe multiple WAV audio files to text. The user first chooses the required files, an entire folder or can simply drag ...
Increase or Decrease Volume Of Multiple WAV Files Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to increase or decrease the sound level of one or more WAV files. You simply add the required files or an entire ...
Drum Track Creator Software
7.0 downloadThis software offers a solution to users who want to create drum tracks with a simple interface. There is a list of 300 percussion instrument sounds including: snares, toms, cymbals, hi-hats, ...
Wavepad Free Audio Editor for Mac
20.06 downloadWavePad is a Free Audio Editor for the Mac OS. WavePad allows you to create and edit voice, music ... The following is a list of features for WavePad - Free Audio Editor. We recommend you download ...
GiMeSpace TouchSpace Synth
1.2.0 downloadThis program was created to make playing music on a computer more intuitive and affordable for anyone who wants to make music. It offers the most natural way to make music ...
3.1 downloadCheckBeat is a virtual drum machine designed for quickly creating simple beats. It can be used like a fancy metronome and is handy when you need to create a backing beat ...
2 downloadDrumPads is a virtual drum kit for Windows that lets you play drum sounds using your mouse or touch screen. It has 12 playable drum pads and 100 different high-quality drum ...
Wavepad 오디오 및 음악 편집기 프로
19.30 downloadWavepad 오디오 및 음악 편집기 프로는 윈도우용 ...
맥용 Wavepad 무료 오디오 편집기
17.96 downloadWavePad는 맥용 무료 오디오 편집기입니다. WavePad로 음성, 음악 및 기타 사운드 녹음을 만들 ...
WavePad Gratis Audio Editor voor Mac
19.79 downloadWavePad is een Gratis Audio Editor voor Mac OS. Met WavePad kun je spraak, muziek en andere geluidsopnames maken ... De volgende lijst is vol met functies voor WavePad - Gratis Audio Editor. We raden je aan ...
WavePad Audio en Muziek Editor Pro
19.83 downloadWavePad Audio en Muziek Editor Pro is een professionele ... interface, sleep een van de vele audiobestandsindelingen die WavePad ondersteunt zoals wav, mp3, vox, gsm, wma, real ... eigen geluidsbestanden door ze op te nemen in WavePad. Als je zoekt naar een nieuw geluidje, gebruik ...
11.39 downloadSwitchプラス版はほぼ全ての音声ファイル形式に対応するWindows用音声ファイ 変換ソフトです。MP3やWAV、WMAなど様々な音声ファイル形式を思い通りに ...
19.30 downloadWavePadPadプロ版は音声編集に必要な機能を全て搭載したWindows用の音声・音楽編 ソフトです。シンプルで使いやすいインターフェースにファイルをドラッ グ&ドロップで ...