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PasswdFinder downloadRecover lost passwords from more than 100 programs, including browsers, instant messengers, email clients, FTP clients and many more. Here is list of supported ... 11.x Mozilla Browser Mozilla Firefox Mozilla SeaMonkey Email clients Becky 2.x Eudora/Eudora Light Forte Agent 3.x Gmail ...
5.3.7 downloadSpotAuditoris is a comprehensive solution for recovering passwords and other critical business information saved in computers, it recovers more than 30 programs passwords! SpotAuditor recovers Internet Explorer, Firefox, Opera, Outlook Express, ...
Email Password Dump
5.0 download... all-in-one tool to instantly recover all your Email passwords from popular email clients and other desktop applications. Currently it can recover your lost email passwords from following applications, * Microsoft Outlook (2002/XP/2003/2007/2010/2013/2016) * ...