label in Delphi downloads
TRTFLabel downloadRTFLabel is a label that has the full rich text capabilities. Rich text can be edited at design time using a built-in rich text property editor. ...
TDBHTMLabel downloadA DB-aware label with full mini-HTML formatting capabilities that can be linked to multiple DB fields with DB-aware design time HTML editor. Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags. ...
TAdvSmoothLabel & TDBAdvSmoothLabel download* Font with support for gradient, texture, hatch fills * Transparent background or background fill * Sophisticated opacity selection & background fill, including gradient, texture, hatch fills * Optional shadow on ...
TUniHTMListbox downloadControls featuring unicode + HTML formatting support. Label, listbox and combobox with extensive HTML formatting capabilities, including support for images, hyperlinks Supports a subset of the HTML formatting tags (see ...
TAdvSpinEdit download... spin buttons can have flat style * attached label * flat & transparent edit style * smart increment & page increment * focus color, focus border color This product is ...
Rt-Science Tools2D for Delphi download... * Legends, movable markers, automatic calculation results in labels * Editors with enhanced options, color and style selectors with unique PropertyLinks * Set properties without writing a line of code ...
Instrumentation WorkShop for FireMonkey download... clock component - TTMSFMXCompass: compass component - TTMSFMXMatrixLabel: label with different text case formatting, different label sizes and colors - TTMSFMXScope: scope component with ...
TAdvTrackBar download... rating control * Track hints & optional track label * Compatible with TAdvFormStyler ...
12.20 downloadBusinessSkinForm VCL (more than 120 components) help you to create applications with skins. Stable, multifunctional package for business applications and Ribbon UI. Features: -Office 2010 / 2013 / 2016 Ribbon control ...
Print Suite Pro
1.89 download... provides display and control of preview scale TPreviewLabel label to display preview parameters Pro version contains additional Print Jobs package - set of ready-to-use components to print controls, grids, databases, ...