date and time calculator downloads

Advanced Date Time Calculator

12.2 download

Advanced Date Time Calculator is a full-featured date time calculator that contains 6 main functions: calculates the result date time by adding/subtracting some years, months, weeks, days, hours, minutes and/or seconds to/from a base time, for instance: get ...

Easy Work Time Calculator

9.0 download

Easy Work Time Calculator (100% FREE) is a friendly worktime calculator. It can calculate/count the time consumption of your tasks by seconds, minutes, hours, days, weeks, months, years and their sum and average. The numbers of date ...

Capacitance and Inductance Calculator

1.0 download

"Capacitance and Inductance Calculator" is an innovative software tool developed by Dorian Luparu, designed to cater to engineers, students, and hobbyists who frequently work with electronic circuits. This application stands out for its precision, user-friendly interface, and comprehensive functionality, making it an indispensable asset for ...

Lunar Calendars and Eclipse Finder

17.17 download

... Calculate the phase of the Moon for any time in the past or future within a 9000-year period. (iii) Convert between dates in various calendars: two solar calendars (the Gregorian Calendar and the Julian Calendar) and five lunar calendars (the ...

Softball/Baseball Team Calculator

5.50 download

**Softball/Baseball Team Calculator: Streamlining Team Management for Coaches and Managers** The "Softball/Baseball Team Calculator" by Softball Team Calculator is a robust and intuitive software designed to simplify the complexities of ...

New Version

Pc Calculator

4.31 download

Pc Calculator is a totally new kind of a calculator. At the same time it is a handy text and formula editor and an advanced scientific calculator. It works in an ...

USPS Postage Rates and Tracking

1.0 download

... your packages shipped via USPS. Using the Rates calculators, you can quickly determine the least expensive or fastest shipping method. The tracking and confirm tool allows you to quickly determine the ...

Advanced Trigonometry Calculator Portable

2.1.5 download

Advanced Trigonometry Calculator is a rock-solid calculator allowing you perform advanced complex math calculations. Enter your complex math expression on its integrity and in the final press “Enter” button, after some ...

Advanced Trigonometry Calculator

2.1.5 download

Advanced Trigonometry Calculator is a rock-solid calculator allowing you perform advanced complex math calculations. Enter your complex math expression on its integrity and in the final press “Enter” button, after some ...

Kith and Kin Pro

3.3.0 download

Excellent genealogy software package for storing, querying and documenting family trees. It features a unique, easy to use graphical interface and powerful data management tools which makes it ideal ... each family. Using the mouse, you can drag and position the family rectangles within the Tree Area ...

Order Manager for Buyers and Sellers

2.0 download

... status update. * Update status of your orders and add reminders / notes. * Easily select / ... regular items you purchase. Easy to purchase next time. * All orders and items are group by ...


5.30 download

Calculator software that can enlarge characters even in a compact (date / time calculation, also corresponds to a scientific calculator) Features The display of the button can be erased and it is compact. Windows standard calculator has a ...

DateInfo download

**Software Review: DateInfo by BrainWave Consulting Company, LLC** DateInfo, developed by BrainWave Consulting Company, LLC, is a sophisticated utility designed to streamline and enhance date and time management for both individual ...

Reliable Task Timer

1.8 download

Reliable Task Timer is a timer / logger utility that allows precise calculation of time spent on a specific task. The application logs ... following information to a CSV spreadsheet: task start date and time, task end date and time, task ...

Deskcalc Pro

9.0.7 download

... you are expecting from a mechanical adding machine and capabilities associated with a Windows environment. DeskCalc is ... machine that comes packed with a modern interface and many useful features. Not only does this program ...

Small Business Tracker Deluxe for Mac

2.0 download

... or small businesses, to keep track of their time, expenses, contacts, appointments, schedules, invoices, passwords, products, supplies and even inventory. It can be used for any number of products or projects, and easily generates reports and invoices for printing or ...

Small Business Tracker Deluxe

2.0 download

... or small businesses, to keep track of their time, expenses, contacts, appointments, schedules, invoices, passwords, products, supplies and even inventory. It can be used for any number of products or projects, and easily generates reports and invoices for printing or ...


2025-02-11 download

Frink, developed by Alan Eliasen, is a versatile and powerful programming language and calculating tool designed to handle real-world problems with an emphasis on physical units, data analysis, and scientific computation. Frink stands out in the crowded ...

Mindful download

Mindful combines an event reminder, password manager and many related tools into a simple system tray ... due or any other events that occur over time - repeatedly or not - and that you ...

5 award

Calc Pro for Windows Phone

3.6.0 download

The top mobile calculator is now available on your Windows Phone! Calc Pro offers more power, more features, and more accuracy than any other mobile calculator. 10 powerful calculators with 10 financial worksheets, Calc ...


1.43 download

A real-time financial derivatives calculator supporting 168+ models from QuantLib, Financial Numerical Recipes in C++ and MetaOptions. Matrices of prices are created with iterating strikes and/or months. A strike control system can produce any ...

Deskcalc - Desktop adding machine

8.2.76 download

... text input per position, correction possibilities (rectifying, adding and deleting values), built-in formula interpreter, sales tax functions, cache (memory function), percentage calculation, EURO-conversion, floating point- and fixed point-calculation, subdivision into thousands, fast correction key, ...

Commercial Rental Tracker Plus for Mac download

... property managers. It tracks your tenant leases, income and expenses for office buildings, stores, etc. * Manage any number of units and owners. * Generate commercial property management invoices for ... Organize all your rental activities, including tasks, contacts, and even appointments. * Accept online credit card payments ...

Rental Property Tracker Plus for Mac download

... software for keeping track of your rental income and expenses and who still owes you money. This easy-to-use rental ... keep track of your income, expenses, rental units, and tenants. ***** Rental Property Tracker Plus includes all ...

Rental Property Tracker Plus download

... software for keeping track of your rental income and expenses and who still owes you money. This easy-to-use rental ... keep track of your income, expenses, rental units, and tenants. ***** Rental Property Tracker Plus includes all ...