list of downloads
Movie Notes
download... personal library of your favorites plus a watch list of movies you can't wait to see. Share ... of your favorite movies. Manage your movie watch list. Save your ratings, reviews, date watched, and more. ...
7.31 download... and variable aspect ratio. - Print the dir list of the cmd.exe - Fast Folder Swiching - Portable - Multilingual Although there are more than 30 file details for the ...
1.22 downloadThe StartupRun utility displays the list of all applications that are loaded automatically when ... selected startup entries. You can also save the list of startup items into a text or html ...
1.35 download... folder into the Registry. This utility displays the list of all folder settings saved by Windows. For each folder, the following information is displayed: The date/time that you opened it, ...
3.6 downloadA list of people and the times when they are required to work. Roster is designed to simplify the process to prepare and maintain staff duty rosters. Duty roster software ...
1.70 download... (history.dat) of Firefox/Mozilla/Netscape Web browsers, and displays the list of all visited Web pages in the last days. For each visited Web page, the following information is displayed: URL, First ...
3DPageFlip Free Butterfly Templates
1.0 download... butterflies. 3D PageFlip Butterfly Theme package designs a list of templates based on the stunning butterfly pictures. You can easy download the package to use the beautiful themes, make your ...
1.91 downloadOpenedFilesView displays the list of all opened files on your system. For each opened file, additional information is displayed: handle value, read/write/delete access, file postion, the process that opened the ...
TPickDialog downloadTPickDialog behaves like a popup listbox from which you select items. Returns selected item ... easy way to let users select from a list of items. Sizeable, toolwindow, stayontop style & events ...
1.26 downloadLSASecretsView is a small utility that displays the list of all LSA secrets stored in the Registry on your computer. The LSA secrets key is located under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESecurityPolicySecrets and may ...
Privacy Master
1.0 download... visited urls history, temporary files and etc. The list of recent documents, launched programs and etc. Freeware. ...
0.99 downloadZoloSpider extracts emails from a list of URLs (ZoloData freeware: homepage ...
Simple Random Wallpaper
1.1 download... Random Wallpaper - Set random wallpaper from specified list of images or folders and change it after a time interval. For current user or all users. Import image file paths ...
7.0.5 download... comfortable and simple and allows editing quickly the list of keys by means of mouse, practically not using the keyboard. The file of keys is displayed in the form ...
InchPro Decimal
1.0.0 download... among themselves. Any transformations for units from next list in any direction: Metric system - (kilometer, hectometer, ... Linux and Windows but we are constantly expanding list of devices and operating systems for this program. ...
JPG To WMV Converter Software
7.0 download... a WMV file. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder to be processed. You can specify the amount of pause between each picture for the ...
JPG To AVI Converter Software
7.0 download... an AVI file. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder to be processed. You can specify the amount of pause between each picture for the ...
PDF To AVI Converter Software
7.0 download... an AVI file. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder to be processed. You can specify the amount of pause between each PDF for the ...
TIFF To AVI Converter Software
7.0 download... an AVI file. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder to be processed. You can specify the amount of pause between each TIFF for the ...
PDF To MP4 Converter Software
7.0 download... animated MP4 file. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder to be processed. You can specify the amount of pause between each PDF for the ...
PDF Rename Multiple Files Based On Content Software
7.0 download... more PDF files. The user simply chooses a list of files or an entire folder to process. There are options for using names based on the first x number of ...
HTML Rename Multiple Files Based On Content Software
7.0 download... based on content. The user simply chooses a list of files or an entire folder to process. There are options for renaming based on the first words on a page, ...
12.8.7 download... Search it, filter it, export it. Shows a list of warnings such as missing title / description, thin content, keyword stuffed pages, images without alt text, mixed content and much ...
Copy Files and Folders To Another Folder Software
7.0 download... individually, an entire folder, multiple folders or a list of files can be loaded from a file. ... entries containing or not containing 'x' from the list. Destination folders are added and the user can ...
1.0.4 download... also supports search path. Features generate listing generate nested text specify search path specify pattern to ignore pipe script through a command before processing automatically append extensions such ...