java-to-c downloads
ABCMachOneMessenger News Ticker FX
583.3 downloadABCMachOneMessenger! is amazing new java applet slideshow software that easily allows you to create fully customized slideshows, automatically timed presentation displays, with extreme customization and with amazing special effects! ...
JActor downloadThe JActor project implements actors in Java that can process 1 Billion messages per second. JActor 2 supports method calls (without callbacks) for initialization, synchronous and concurrent requests, as well ...
2.2.4 download... exe files for Windows and Linux. To start java from generated exe files is more convenient: 1) ... to configure, generated exe files are configurable for Java vm parameters or options defined by Jar2Exe. 3) ...
Online Polls From Software Downloaded Directly From Wyka-Warcheza
9.0 download... you can now take reliable online polls with Java ABPollMaster. ABPollMaster will help you to create professional ... type of software, but you needn’t worry as Java products are well known for their ease of ...
2.9.0 downloadPOJava is a very light-weight utility library providing a practical assortment of data transformations. Its goal is to provide a foundation for POJO-based handling of data with no dependencies and no ...
Opcion Font Viewer Portable
1.1.1 download... different views depending on your needs. Written in Java, Opcion will work on all platforms that the Java Runtime Environment supports (which includes Windows, Mac, Solaris ...
Opcion Font Viewer
1.1.1 download... different views depending on your needs. Written in Java, Opcion will work on all platforms that the Java Runtime Environment supports (which includes Windows, Mac, Solaris ...
Wing Geometry
1.6.1 downloadThis is a Java program that calculates commonly used parameters related to airplane wing geometry such as area, taper ratio, aspect ratio, sweep, etc. As an aerospace engineer involved in ...
Wing Geometry for Mac OS X
1.6.1 downloadThis is a Java program that calculates commonly used parameters related to airplane wing geometry such as area, taper ratio, aspect ratio, sweep, etc. As an aerospace engineer involved in ...
Wing Geometry for Linux
1.6.1 downloadThis is a Java program that calculates commonly used parameters related to airplane wing geometry such as area, taper ratio, aspect ratio, sweep, etc. As an aerospace engineer involved in ...
Password Generator
1.9 download... generator. The passwords are generated locally in a Java Applet. They are never transmitted over the Internet, ... it as a standalone program, invoking it with java.exe -jar password.jar or password.jar You can also run ...
2.3.2 download... more powerful and easier to use: Using Java annotations for defining test execution characterisitics and performance ... method will happen on one and the same Java object! First the @Before method is called. ...
1.0.3 download... math operations. Now, you can use this Java-based instrument to solve various math calculations in no time at all. ...
GeoServer for Mac
2.16.1 downloadGeoServer for Mac is an Open Source server that will allow you to connect your information to the Geospatial Web. With GeoServer you can publish and edit data using open ...
jMP3 Tag Editor
1.2.3 downloadjMP3 Tag Editor is a simple and easy to use application that you can use to edit audio tags and batch rename audio files. The program extracts ID3v1 and ID3v2 ...
3.32.1 download... and Open Source Data Mining software developed in Java. It contains data management methods and it can create ready to use reports. It can read data from several sources and ...
Android TekTips Video Tutorials
2.2 download... to develop Android applications using Android SDK and Java. The Tutorial provides with a number of lessons which will guide you in developing different types of android applications. ...
1.7 download... files on the command line to FindParked e.g. java.exe -jar findparked.jar mylist.csv myotherlist.csv The data must be ... file name of the command line of FindParkedInXenu. java.exe -jar findparkedinxenu.jar xenupage.csv Duplicates will be automatically removed ...
1-2-3 JavaScript Library
9.56 download1-2-3 JavaScript Library is a cool new software application that allows you to create amazing javascript in seconds! Choose scripts from an organized, amazingly easy to navigate ...
1.0 downloadIDE SparX is a handy application designed to help you compile code sequences with just a few mouse clicks. The user only needs to load the code in the main window ...
1.02 downloadSafeFileManager is a file manager that copies or moves files and directory trees and checks whether these transfers completed correctly to the last bit and tries again and again if not. ...
BitNami WAMPStack
7.3.12-0 download... Much of its syntax is borrowed from C, Java and Perl with a couple of unique PHP-specific features thrown in. The goal of the language is to allow web developers ...
13.04.06 downloadConvolve-J is a compact tool that allows you to perform a convolution process for any 44 kHz signed WAV files. The program can be used in command line mode in order ...
2.20 download... around your map. Tectonicus is written in the Java programming language. Tectonicus renders maps by generating the appropriate geometry and doing a proper 3d rasterization. ...
5.2 downloadMTMineR is a handy and reliable text mining application that you can use to process text files and count text elements. It can determine the n-gram and word co-occurrence frequencies ...