engineering downloads
NCP Secure Entry Windows Client
12.0 downloadNCP Secure Entry Client - the professional VPN solution for communication with any IPsec gateway (all major vendors supported, e.g. Cisco, Juniper, Microsoft). Can be installed on any Windows operating systems ...
25.2.1 downloadXtraTools Home a set of applications consisting a lot of independent system utilities that are complimentary to the standard MS Windows utilities. XtraTools increases productivity and makes working with MS Windows ... Classic
25.2.1 is a suite of tools for increasing operating system performance. cleanly removes unwanted software from disk drives and dead references from the Windows registry. puts you in control ...
LMTD Calculator
1.1 downloadLMTD stands for Log Mean Temperature Difference. This term is commonly used in heat exchangers and mainly is the deriving force in heat exchangers. This calculator allows you to calculate the ...
Kettle Reboiler Design
3.0.0 downloadPerform thermal design calculations and analysis of Kettle type reboilers as well as preliminary sizing calculations, list of the main features: + Ability to use to different units of measurement, SI ...
Pumping Power Calculator downloadCalculates the pump power of fluids. This calculator supports two different units of measurements. SI Units and US Units. Easy to use. Pumping power calculator will accept input in SI and ...
0.402 download... in Python was designed as a scientific and engineering calculator. It was built in order to implement the well-known reverse polish notation (RPN) available on Hewlett-Packard calculators. FEATURES: ...
Paperless Printer downloadPaperless Printer® is a Windows virtual printer that allows you to print from a desktop application and have the print job sent to a remote Google cloud printer. This product is ...
Ocapy Portable
0.502 download... in Python was designed as a scientific and engineering calculator. It was built in order to implement the well-known reverse polish notation (RPN) available on Hewlett-Packard calculators. FEATURES: ... Premium
25.2.1 downloadA suite of tools for increasing MS Windows operating system performance. cleanly removes unwanted software from disk drives and dead references from the Windows registry. puts you in control ...
2.0 downloadCharlatan is a polyphonic, subtractive virtual analog software synthesizer plugin whose design focuses on sound quality and easy usability. The design philosophy was to provide a feature set just large enough ...
Movie Guide
downloadWith Movie Guide you are able to discover over 69’000 movies and even more actors with all their details. You can directly watch movie trailers, find similar movies or just browse ...
Vintage Drum
downloadThe retro look of Vintage Drum is reminiscent of earlier drum machines. Create your own drums sets from a selection of over 500 samples. Play the drums away without hesitation by ...
ExPCB Helper
1.3 downloadExPCBHelper is a key macro program designed to help a circuit board designer create interesting shapes and logos on a pc board design. Functional Highlights: Draw a N sided Polygon (up ...
15.2 downloadTopoLT is a program offering tools for 2D and 3D aplications and functionalities useful for all those who design topographical or cadastral plans in digital format, who develop 3D terrain models ...
16.0 downloadProfLT is a program which offers functionalities for configuring, drawing and modifying longitudinal terrain profiles and cross sections.The author of TopoLT is 3D Space architecture office, which has a rich experience ...
Air Cooled Heat Exchanger Design downloadThermal design and sizing calculations of Air cooled heat exchangers design. Some main features: 1. Support SI Units and English (U.S) Units of measurement, Unit converter also included 2. Induced draft/forced ...
Express CG
2.0 downloadExpress CG is an AutoCAD tool for calculating weight & center of gravity for precast concrete products then applying initial lifting points. It is intended as an aid to drafters when ...
Powerstaxx Lite
2.3.0 downloadPowerstaxx Lite tolerance analysis software is an Excel based, tolerance analysis tool that makes it easy to be thorough. It helps manage the risk in your project and is the one ...
Powerstaxx Standard
2.3.0 downloadPowerstaxx Standard tolerance analysis software is an Excel based, associative tolerance analysis tool that makes it easy to be thorough. Being associative, all dimensions are managed on one sheet and then ...
Powerstaxx Non Linear
1.2.0 downloadPowerstaxx Non-Linear tolerance analysis software is an Excel based, associative tolerance analysis tool that makes it easy to be thorough. Being associative, all dimensions are managed on one sheet and then ...
Powerstaxx Plus
2.4.0 downloadPowerstaxx Plus tolerance analysis software is an Excel based, associative tolerance analysis tool that makes it easy to be thorough. Being associative, all dimensions are managed on one sheet and then ...
Gas Sonic Velocity Calculator downloadCalculate the sonic velocity of a specified gas flowing in a pipe. Sonic velocity is also known as speed of sound. This is mainly the sound velocity of the internal substance ...
Naiveshark Agent
0.5 download... on main site. NaiveShark site is an engineering community portal and open database of world-wide industrial products. You are free to add your (or any) organization or products to ...
PhysPro Fluid Properties downloadPhysPro Fluid Properties is a physical properties estimation software that uses two powerful databases, both databases include over 558 fluids (including 60 common refrigerants). The software also include humid air properties ...