modification downloads
1.22.0 downloadCommand line Active Directory modification tool. This is the natural extension to AdFind. I was primarily prompted by dsmod,dsmove,dsrm.exe not being what I wanted them to be when I wanted ...
Copy Files With Dates
1.22 download... copy files while keeping the original creation date, modification date and the original attributes of the files ... Files With Dates also transfers the original last modification date and the last access date, as well ...
1.6.5 downloadApexDC++ is a StrongDC++ modification that will provide extra features, customisation, improved interface and much more! The program does not contain any malware and is actively developed. ApexDC++ is ...
ApexDC++ x64
1.6.5 downloadApexDC++ x64 is a StrongDC++ modification that will provide extra features, customisation, improved interface and much more! The program does not contain any malware and is actively developed. ApexDC++ ...
CM Batch JPEG Date Changer
1.8.0 download... sense. Moreover, those only change the creation and modification date but the Digitized Date and Time in ... and supports Date Change for EXIF, Creation and Modification Dates as far back as 1970. The Batch ...
2.417 download... older than x days based on file creation, modification, last accessed date and deletes or moves them to archive folders. You can replicate folder structure when moving files and leave ...
Batch MMedia Date Changer
1.90 download... sense. Moreover, those only change the creation and modification date but the Digitized Date and Time in the EXIF header remains unchanged. The EXIF Date is important when uploading to ...
1.4.8 downloadCreativities.PDF is a powerful software for visual structure modification of PDF documents. It supports the following functions, among others: - Merge files: Merge multiple files into a single PDF file. ...
1.0c download... easily see document changes history. It selects files modifications events keeping only the essential informations: Date and time of file modification, Modifier's identification into comments area = file properties. ... 4.0/Windows 2000 running standard audit policy. Selects files modifications events in the standard Security Log, keeping only ...
Vole Word Reviewer
3.55.61016 downloadWhen you are approving or releasing electronic documents, you'll add your comments and digital signature, but you cannot change the original files, which is the basic requirements for electronic documents management. ...
Vole Word Reviewer Portable
3.55.61016 downloadWhen you are approving or releasing electronic documents, you'll add your comments and digital signature, but you cannot change the original files, which is the basic requirements for electronic documents management. ...
Folder Watchdog Service
1.6.5 downloadProvides file system changes email notification service. It can send you a mail on either an event or no event, filtering by file system object types (file or folder), masks (regular ...
Top Data Protector download... your Windows PC from unknown access and unauthorized modification. The concise and intuitive interface of Top Data Protector makes it easy to use. You just need to set a password ...
A-PDF Explorer
4.6 download... date, Title, Subject, Author, Creator, Producer, Creation Date, Modification Date) and batch processing (add security, set initial view, extract text and image etc…) your large archive of PDF files. If ...
Alternate Translation KIT
2.120 download... one. As a precondition for the addition or modification of translations the desired program has to be installed first. This program required administrative rights (it asks using the windows ...
Generating Business Barcode Software
5.5.2 download... software saves barcode designs for future use or modification, saving time and effort. These programs can save designs in formats like JPEG, PNG, or SVG, and export them to other ...
Strong DC++
2.42 download... sharing files in Direct Connect network. It is modification of program DC++ and it brings many news and features from other modification. Since DC++ is developed under GNU/GPL, you can
Strong DC++ x64
2.42 download... sharing files in Direct Connect network. It is modification of program DC++ and it brings many news and features from other modification. Since DC++ is developed under GNU/GPL, you can
EasyBCD downloadTake control of your boot loader EasyBCD supercharges your Windows PC, allowing you to dual-boot to your heart's content. EasyBCD is a powerful bootloader-modification tool that has a wide-range ...
TouchPro x64
1.05 download... interface that allows users to modify the creation, modification, and last access dates of files and directories with ease. One of the standout features of Change Timestamp is its ...
XML Assistant
2.0 downloadThe XML Assistant is an interesting and simple XML editing applicatiobn that makes editing of XML files easier. The main features of the XML Assistant are: 1. Structures XML ...
PhotoLine for Mac
22.01 downloadPhotoLine is a powerful and cross-platform image processing application that provides a wide array of tools to modify your pictures. PhotoLine can import a large number of image formats: ICO, ANI, ...
1.3.1 download... is a utility to batch-change the creation and/or modification date of files and folders. BatchTouch provides an easy-to-use way to change the creation and/or modification date of multiple files and folders all at ...
Group Policy Scripting for PowerShell
1.0.005 download... is time consuming too. Now you can automate modification of Group Policy settings--saving time and money and ... Policy and automate your Group Policy management and modification tasks on Domain or Local GPOs. The product ...
Clipboard Help+Spell
2.46.01 download... all past text clipboard entries for easy viewing, modification, and search. Use it for keeping hierarchical notes - search, sort, filter by text, modification date, last view date. Super easy and super ...