prevents downloads
DNSCrypt Proxy
2.1.7 download... and configurations. By encrypting DNS traffic, DNSCrypt Proxy prevents potential attackers from intercepting and altering DNS queries, which can lead to phishing attacks or unwanted content filtering. The software ...
1.1 download... In the ever-evolving landscape of productivity tools, PreventSleep by Carthago Software emerges as a simple yet ... hassle of constant logins due to sleep mode, PreventSleep offers a straightforward solution. **User Interface and ...
System Mechanic Professional
23.1 download... errors, boosts performance, defends against infections, and proactively prevents problems from reoccurring. This all-in-one solution to complete Windows care also recovers deleted files, securely wipes data, and includes high-performance triple-certified ...
Cryptainer USB Encryption Software download... an encrypted usb drive) with you. Cryptainer USB prevents data leakage from theft and lost of USB ... drag and drop operation. Cryptainer USB Encryption Software prevents data leakage from theft and lost of USB ...
23.4.8 downloadUnsleeping prevents constantly having to log back in by sending a keystroke to simulate user activity. Unsleeping has an option to run at Windows startup and also an option to ...
TweakNow PowerPack 2005 Professional
1.4 download... that is available to run Windows programs. It prevents performance from degrading as you swap files and programs in and out of memory. The AutoShutdown program lets you suspend, hibernate, ...
Email Sentinel Pro Email AntiVirus
2.7.8 downloadEmail Sentinel Pro smoothly prevents malware emails from reaching your mailbox folders and running viruses, worms or exploit attacks. It intercepts emails before they reach your Inbox email folders, thus ...
ZSKSoft Synchronizer
2.2 download... be more accurate; it detects suspicious changes and prevents conflicts (when the same file changes in two locations.) The program is easy and convenient to operate. Just a glance at ...
Easy Hour Assignments with Excel
1.66 downloadThe Easy Hours Scheduler saves you scheduling headaches and time by letting you simply specify your daily staffing needs and then assign them to up to 25 people by inserting a ...
Active SMART
2.11 download... free space, bad blocks, read and write errors, prevents data loss and predicts possible drive fails, using special algorithms. Keep track on your files and folder and find files wasting ...
1.4 download... security, that is the difficulty of key factorisation prevents decryption ofthe file. But this method may not work forever. It used to be considered that a 56 bit key was ...
Brainstorm Lite
1.0 download... success of your brainstorming session, the Brainstorm Lite prevents from deleting or even editing any ideas while session is in process. This allows even random ideas pass to analysis stage ...
PvLog DeObfuscator Win32
1.3 download... to load in reflector. NOTE: the attribute that prevents ILDASM is not removed by DeObfuscator... but it could ! ...
.NET Cryptor
8.7.2 download... .NET project source code files instantly. The utility prevents others from viewing and reusing your .NET source codes. Once .NET project is locked, it is completely encrypted and none of ...
USB Guardian
4.4.0 downloadUSB Guardian is a special software application that prevents your computer from getting infected with nasty viruses an worms like Conficker (aka Downandup, Downadup and Kido!) The software allows you ...
Tbw - windows watermark sotware
3.6 download... name, comments, date etc on your photos. This prevents people from stealing or misusing your photos. You can process your entire photo collection in a few easy steps without worrying ...
Inbox Cleaner
1.2.1 download... download them with your normal mail application. This prevents you from downloading SPAM and clogging up your mailbox. But not only SPAM will be stopped, but also harmful Viruses and ...
5.4.00 download... your privacy. Sweepi cleans your system efficiently and prevents the accumulation of unnecessary data, including history files and lists of recently used files to name only a few examples. Deleting ...
Kiosk Software
2.8.3 download... you securely display your website or application. It prevents hacking and downtime by restricting access to the system, desktop, drives, folders and programs based on your settings. The software blocks ...
Little Snitch
5.1.1 download... to handle similar, future connection attempts. This reliably prevents private data from being sent out without your knowledge. Little Snitch runs inconspicuously in the background and it can also detect ...
primesieve x64
12.3 download... the segmentation of the sieve of Eratosthenes which prevents cache misses when crossing off multiples in the sieve array and the use of a bit array instead of the more ...
primesieve for Linux
7.5 download... the segmentation of the sieve of Eratosthenes which prevents cache misses when crossing off multiples in the sieve array and the use of a bit array instead of the more ...
primesieve for Mac OS X
7.5 download... the segmentation of the sieve of Eratosthenes which prevents cache misses when crossing off multiples in the sieve array and the use of a bit array instead of the more ...
PDF Edit Unlocker
5.5.1 download... program deletes the restrictions from PDF file which prevents you from editing the PDF file. Unlock Editing in PDF Files with ease and full effectiveness using PDF Edit Unlocker. To ...
Tbw-pro - mac watermark software
pro1.0 download... name,logo, comments, date etc on your photos. This prevents people from stealing or misusing your photos. You can process your entire photo collection in a few easy steps without worrying ...