dry downloads
Dry Gulch (Windows)
1.0 download... that simply reads: "In trouble, get out to Dry Gulch as fast as ya can. - Sam." ... taking the one train that goes anywhere near Dry Gulch, you finally arrive, and discover a run-down ...
1.14 downloadCleanwash is a desktop software for dry-cleaning and laundry management. Cleanwash is simple to use, and has an intuitive interface. It is user friendly, which means you can mostly start ...
eyeblink download... eyes or blurred vision are common symptoms of dry eye syndrome. Healthy human blinks 10 to 15 ... is the excessive screen brightness. Eyeblink fights the dry eye syndrome with blink rate measurement using a ...
Crazy Boxes
1.8 download... red coloured boxes beside or use them to dry the water holes to get place for your pushing activities. Don’t let disturb you by the turnstiles which are placed by ...
Devil-Loc Deluxe
5.4.1 download... a mix knob so you can mix your dry signal back in right on the front panel. The addition of these controls opens up the sonic palette immensely. Dark thundering ...
Master Converter
2.9 download... 39 categories. The categories include: length, area, volume, dry volume, time, speed, acceleration, mass, density, force, energy, power, pressure, flow, data storage, data transfer, dynamic viscosity, kinematic viscosity, temperature, temperature ...
CYTSoft Psychrometric Chart
2.2 download... A. Wexler, in whose reports published by ASHRAE, dry air, water vapor and moist air are all treated as real gases, rather than ideal gases. Thus, this product is especially ...
6.0.0 Beta download... of JSDuck are Markdown support and keeping you DRY by inferring a lot of information from code. ... of JSDuck are Markdown support and keeping you DRY by inferring a lot of information from code. ...
Repair Shop Software for Mac
3.2 downloadRepair Shop Software is a very useful, efficiency inducing program for all repair related services of any kind. Designed specifically to be used on Mac (OS X), repair shops such as ...
Breaktru Quick Conversion
10.4 downloadLite version converts several units of length. Plus version converts length, weight and capacity measures. By typing a number into box provided will instantly display the results without the user having ...
CAS SI Converter
1.00cD downloadHave you ever need to convert millimeters in to inches, or Miles in to Kilometers then this utility is for you. It can convert just about anything to anything else. ...
13.06.22 download... mode switching. Table: · Data will then dry it? Not. We provide a new way of organizing data using tables,You can import .cvs file format created by excel. You ...
1.10 download... of these license agreements are written in a dry, almost impenetrable way using standard legal "boilerplate" wording. Almost no one reads them fully. -- AN IMPORTANT REASON to glance through ...
2.0 download... input variables. First independent variable can be either: Dry-bulb temperature (Tdb), Humidity Ratio (W), or Relative Humidity (RH). Second independent variable can be either: Dry-bulb Temperature (Tdb), Wet-bulb Temperature (Twb), Humidity Ratio (W), ...
Artillery for Mac OS X
2.3.6 download... Tracking and Universal Modulator Dedicated Modulation, Env. & Dry/Wet per effect Each Parameter: LFO, Env-Foll. & Sequencer Vocoder MIDI-Out ...
Presentation3D for Mac OS X
13.06.22 download... mode switching. Table: · Data will then dry it? Not. We provide a new way of organizing data using tables,You can import .cvs file format created by excel. You ...
2.0.3 download... more complex transformations. The software also supports a dry-run mode, allowing users to preview changes before they are applied, thus minimizing the risk of errors. F2 is designed with ...
1.2.1 download... and fed back. With the additional Ducking the dry/wet is regulated so that either the dry or the delayed signal is returned as result, ... 1/16 Triplet etc) Sync/Async to beat Reverse Ducking Dry/Wet Feedback Cutoff Resonance Controllable via Midi (see User ...
1.5.6 download... extracts the difference between this signal and the dry input and process it through one of the ... included, then it mixes it back with the dry input. The result is a signal with character, ...
Unit Conversion Utility-UnitConvertor-A
2.4.50 download... Pressure, Speed/Velocity, Temperature, Time, Torque, Volume/Capacity, Volume - Dry UnitConvertor-A's dialog-style interface consists of one main screen, which offers categories and two scrolling lists of units. The conversion categories are ...
Unit Converter Pro
3.1 download... Viscosity - Dynamic, Viscosity - Kinematic, Volume - Dry, and Volume - Lumber. Electrical: Capacitance, Charge, Conductance, Conductivity, Current, Electric Field, Inductance, Linear Current Density, Linear Charge Density, Magnetic Flux, ...
AcouVerb Reverb VST VST3 Audio Unit
3.0 downloadAcouVerb Room Reverb is a stereo reverberation plug-in effect used to create psycho-acoustic models to simulate boundary reflections created in a real room, adding a sense of space and depth to ...
GeoDataSource World Land Features Database (Basic Edition)
October.2011 download... area, Gap, Cirque, Sandy desert, Saddle, Terrace, Blowout, Dry stream bed, Crater, Coast, Cleft, Wildlife reserve, Military base, Levee, Industrial area, Gasfield, Hammock, Isthmus, Shore, Snowfield, Business center, Nunataks, Stony ...
GeoDataSource World Land Features Database (Premium Edition)
October.2011 download... area, Gap, Cirque, Sandy desert, Saddle, Terrace, Blowout, Dry stream bed, Crater, Coast, Cleft, Wildlife reserve, Military base, Levee, Industrial area, Gasfield, Hammock, Isthmus, Shore, Snowfield, Business center, Nunataks, Stony ...
4.0 downloadCustomMailer is a powerful, easy-to-use tool for sending customized email using mailing lists. CustomMailer lets you create individualized messages and target selected recipients with an intuitive, user-friendly interface. CustomMailer's unique macro-enhanced ...