binary calculator downloads
2019.304.0.0 downloadCalculator² is the beautifully designed, all-in-one calculator app for students and professionals. The advanced scientific, financial and programmer calculators provide a comprehensive set of mathematical functions and ... allow you to save conversions for easy reference. Calculator² won't slow you down; the intuitive keyboard support ...
KS Calculator
1.05 downloadKS-Calculator is a powerful, easy-to-use, flexible calculator, which supports operations with numbers in Binary, Octal, Decimal and Hexadecimal formats, operates with expressions ...
Console Calculator
3.1.0 downloadConsole Calculator is a powerful calculator with a simple console interface. This calculator includes many built-in mathematical functions, remembers recent entries, ... m = milli, etc) , and support for binary and hexadecimal. The interface is simple, fast, and ...
Console Calculator for Mac OS X
3.0.7 downloadConsole Calculator is a powerful calculator with a simple console interface. This calculator includes many built-in mathematical functions, remembers recent entries, ... m = milli, etc) , and support for binary and hexadecimal. The interface is simple, fast, and ...
Advanced Trigonometry Calculator Portable
2.1.5 downloadAdvanced Trigonometry Calculator is a rock-solid calculator allowing you perform advanced complex math calculations. Enter ... expression will be displayed. Anyone can use this calculator since the syntax used is very similar with ...
Advanced Trigonometry Calculator
2.1.5 downloadAdvanced Trigonometry Calculator is a rock-solid calculator allowing you perform advanced complex math calculations. Enter ... expression will be displayed. Anyone can use this calculator since the syntax used is very similar with ...
Numerical Systems Calculator
1.3 download... what makes this application. You can mix decimal binary, octal and hexadecimal arithmetic using the symbols "+, -, *, /". But let's start doing the math in an instant with ...
Numerical Systems Calculator Portable
1.3 download... what makes this application. You can mix decimal, binary, octal and hexadecimal arithmetic operations using the symbols "+, -, *, /,^,". You can put "e" to use Napier's constant, put ...
MCTH - McCabe Thiele Plates Calculator
2.2.3 download... Plates by McCabe-Thiele method for distillation towers of binary mixtures - Interactive changes using McCabe-Thiele diagram - Full printable reports - Vapor equilibrium using relative volatility or VLE data table ...
3.2.3 download... emulates the HP-42S RPN (Reverse Polish Notation) scientific calculator, a beloved tool among engineers, scientists, and enthusiasts. ... for those who appreciate the functionality of classic calculators but seek the convenience of modern technology. ...
GK PCalc
3.0 downloadGcalc is a plaintext calculator that understands expressions as you type them. ... PCalc application was designed to be a freeform calculator written in C++/MFC with a Python parser powering ... you can also use it as a fine calculator. Some features you'll enjoy: * You ...
BinaryCrypt 64-bit
2.0 downloadBinaryCrypt 64-bit is a small program that converts regular English text into Binary, Hexadecimal, or Octal decimal code. You can use ... and fun encryption scheme. Features: Direct Binary Calculator Direct Conversion from Binary to Hexadecimal Save ...
6.1 downloadpmaCalc combines a scientific calculator, binary arithmetik for programmers, and unit converter in an ... it has an unusual numeric stack, and a binary mode that supports decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and binary ...
11.5.27 downloadFree and Compact yet Capable Tape Calculator. More advanced than standard calculators, this is an expression evaluator that lets you ... trigonometric and hyperbolic functions, normal and inverse. Supports binary, octal and hexadecimal numeric bases. In multi-line edit ...
AnalogX PCalc
1.21 downloadAnalogX PCalc is a true programmer's calculator that allows you to enter any equation in the exact same format as C/C++, and it will process it with the same precedence, ...
1.8.5 download... two phase vapor-liquid equilibrium, thermodynamic, and transport property calculator for technical professionals. Both pure and multicomponent systems ... supported: RK, SRK, API-SRK, PR, PR-78. redlick-kwong EOS binary interaction parameters use and specification is fully supported. ...
NiceCalc3 Lite
1.0 download... performs double precision of results, "simplified" form for binary operations, memory stack operations and customizable buttons. Joystick ... you to understand the process appropriately. Download scientific calculator a free version of NiceCalc3 Lite with fast ...
NiceCalc3 Lite
1.0 download... performs double precision of results, "simplified" form for binary operations, memory stack operations and customizable buttons. Joystick ... you to understand the process appropriately. Download scientific calculator a free version of NiceCalc3 Lite with fast ...
Kalkules downloadKalkules is an universal scientific freeware calculator with an amount of untraditional functions, which can ... modulo numbers · calculating in four number systems: binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal · calculating with fractions ( ...
Portable Kalkules downloadKalkules is an universal scientific freeware calculator with an amount of untraditional functions, which can ... modulo numbers · calculating in four number systems: binary, octal, decimal, hexadecimal · calculating with fractions ( ...
4.2 downloadEnCalc (Calc4all) is a portable windows calculator with practical built in features! This project started out because there was no other simple portable calculator out there with all the features that I ...
2.0 downloadBinaryCrypt is a small program that converts regular English text into Binary, Hexadecimal, or Octal decimal code. You can use ... and fun encryption scheme. Features: Direct Binary Calculator Direct Conversion from Binary to Hexadecimal Save ...
2.41 downloadThe Mother of all Calculators, a Swiss Army knife for scientists and engineers. Perhaps the most capable scientific/engineering calculator for Windows. On one hand, this is a calculator: evaluates expressions with more than 100 functions (trig/inverse, ...
HiPER Calc
2.3.2 download... interface as well as the numbers display. Scientific calculator with arbitrary precision. Its features include up to ... conversions and logical operations and many more. Scientific calculator with arbitrary precision, portrait, landscape and expanded view, ...
1.0 downloadNiceCalc3 - simple yet powerful calculator for Symbian OS. High computation precision, operations precedence ... 4 numeric systems support; - "simplified" form for binary operations; - Automatic rounding; - Clipboard; - Customizable ...