export aol pfc to outlook downloads

AOL PFC Viewer Pro

5.0 download

With this AOL PFC Viewer Pro utility, by exporting your PFC file to EML format, you can access the ... to its extensive usage. You get a selective export function to facilitate the selection process so that ...


1.0 download

... is a filing system created or managed by AOL Desktop email client. The AOL Desktop application software stores emails, contacts, tasks, journals & other data into PFC file. The PFC file is created for each ...

Emailchemy for Mac

13.2.9 download

... archives, and harvesting email addresses Emailchemy can read: AOL for Mac (v3 and newer) AOL for Windows (PFC files) AOL Desktop for Mac Apple Mail Claris Emailer for ... files) Eudora Mozilla Mulberry Musashi Neoplanet Netscape Opera Outlook for Mac (8.x, 2001, 2011, 2015, 2016) Outlook ...

Emailchemy for Windows

13.2.9 download

... archives, and harvesting email addresses Emailchemy can read: AOL for Mac (v3 and newer) AOL for Windows (PFC files) AOL Desktop for Mac Apple Mail Claris Emailer for ... files) Eudora Mozilla Mulberry Musashi Neoplanet Netscape Opera Outlook for Mac (8.x, 2001, 2011, 2015, 2016) Outlook ...