ports downloads
SuperCom ActiveX
7 download... updated. The OnPlug event provides information when serial ports added or removed (PnP). Enhanced Communications Events The enhanced event reporting mechanism in SuperCom RS-232 ActiveX enables you to receive events ...
Data Logger Suite
3.0.7 Build 313 download... to capture data from various sources, including serial ports, TCP/IP, UDP, and OPC servers, among others. This flexibility ensures that users can seamlessly integrate the software into their existing systems, ...
GiliSoft USB Lock
10.6.23 download... and USB drives. You can also disable specific ports, such as iPhone, Android phone, printer, modem, etc. Copy Protection: Implementing copy protection requires specialized software or digital rights management (DRM) ...
Real NetStat
3.1 download... remote address of connection, hostname, local and remote ports, the owning process, the process folder, DLL modules used by process and etc. With Real NetStat you fully control network connectivity ...
Enterprise Remote Control
5.0 download... ask users for IP addresses, or open firewall ports. You need to support users no matter where they are, or where they travel. If a computer can get on the ...
0.6 download... tools. There are several benefits to using ports of exiting unix tools instead of building a new mail system specifically for windows. First, it means even an immature project ...
4.0.0 rc3 download... to events (chords, keys, MIDI signals). Furthermore, MIDI ports, MIDI files, and GMN files can be used in the same manner, mixed and output. Mutabor is a low-cost device, ...
Gurux DLMS/COSEM Director
9.0.2412.1601 download... wide range of communication media, including TCP/IP, serial ports, and optical heads, ensuring compatibility with various meter types and setups. This flexibility makes it an ideal choice for diverse operational ...
1.5 download... IP port; * excluding from monitoring specific IP ports or addresses. fSonar allows you to select the necessary fields for export and save profile as a template that can be ...
Phone Dial by PC
1.20 download... via serial interface. - Serial interface RS-232, com ports COM1 toCOM8. - Operation by customizable hotkeys or by the program menu. - Highlight a phone number in any application and ...
2.16.01 download... DOS only, too. * gas is free, and ports over to DOS and Unix, but it's not very good, since it's designed to be a back end to gcc, which ...
5.39 download... address · Sniff · Sniff and display open ports · Sniff and display Ethernet addresses · Sniff and display network statistics · Sniff and verify checksums · Display which values ...
OBEX Commander
3.5.1 downloadOBEX Commander allows you to transfer files between computers or between a computer and another OBEX capable devices, such as PDA or mobile phone. OBEX Commander works under Microsoft Windows 98SE, ...
Shicks! for Windows
0.9 download... user must have the rights to access TCP/IP ports 25 (SMTP) and 110 (POP3) Linux, or Windows. For Linux you need root access. Other OS might work too, provided that ...
Shicks! for Linux
0.9 download... user must have the rights to access TCP/IP ports 25 (SMTP) and 110 (POP3) Linux, or Windows. For Linux you need root access. Other OS might work too, provided that ...
2.2.48 downloadNetWalk is a comprehensive network monitoring tool which can be used as network intrusion detection system (NIDS) for business networking. It captures packets over the network and decodes packets to extreme ...
OpenNX Client Beta download... for OpenBSD are available in the official OpenBSD ports tree. For those, who want to build OpenNX from source, we recommend building from SVN. Build instructions can be found in ...
OpenNX Client for Mac OS X Beta download... for OpenBSD are available in the official OpenBSD ports tree. For those, who want to build OpenNX from source, we recommend building from SVN. Build instructions can be found in ...
4.15.1 download... kqueue, devpoll and poll, and Windows I/O Completion Ports (IOCP), for high performance and scalability. FEATURES: · parallel processing, · distributed computing · cluster computing ...
5.33 downloadjunXion v5 is a Mac OSX data routing application that can process ‘sensors’ from any HID (joysticks, mice, touchscreens), MIDI, OSC, Audio, Arduino and Video device using conditional processing and remapping, ...
Emsisoft Emergency Kit
2024.4.0.12347 download... manage all active processes, services, drivers, autoruns, open ports, hosts file entries and many more. For your full control over your system. Emsisoft BlitzBlank BlitzBlank is a tool for ...
InternetShare Home
2012.2.1 download... IP, Filter by web pages content, Filter by ports, you can use this function to limit some P2P software, such as BT, eMule, Flashget or some video web pages. Schedule ...
The Helper Monkey downloadThe Helper MonkeyTool new version is Version is released with the following enhancements: Secure login to the MonkeyTool protecting your details – When launching the application for the ...
B12.0921.1 downloadIt’s a simple yet powerful software app that allows you to very easily block specific types of USB device on your PC. This is useful in a variety of scenarios were ...
SIP Workbench download... identifies the source and target IP addresses and ports, user-agent information, transport types (UDP or TCP), and summary information for the message. SIP markers include the method, response code/text, and ...