dbf to dbf downloads

MDB (Access) to DBF Converter

3.30 download

MDB (Access) to DBF Converter allows you to convert your MDB and ACCDB (Microsoft Access) files to DBF format. MDB is the file format used by Microsoft ...

CSV to DBF Converter

3.45 download

The CSV to DBF program allows you to convert your csv (comma-separated value) files to dbf format. Generally, you can use any delimiter, such as ...

ASP MDB/DBF database converter

2.0 download

... converting DAO or ADO recordsets to MDB or DBF files. It enables direct binary database export of MDB or DBF files from ASP pages with one row of ...

Advanced FoxPro To PDF Table Converter

1.8 download

... execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on DBF database files. Resultsets returned by select queries are automatically persisted as PDF files to a directory of your choice. Advanced Visual ...

PostgreSQL Tables To FoxPro To Converter Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to transfer tables from PostgreSQL to FoxPro. The user simply enters the login information for each database and tests the connection. The ...

MS Access Tables To FoxPro Converter Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to transfer tables from MS Access to FoxPro. The user simply enters the login information for each database and tests the connection. ...

DBase to Text converter

2.6 download

This application don't use any external libraries (no BDE, no ODBC, no ADO etc) and you may run this tool on computer without any additional setup/install. All field types supported (including ...

Advanced Visual FoxPro To PDF Table Converter

1.8 download

... execution of SQL (Structured Query Language) statements on DBF database files. Resultsets returned by select queries are automatically persisted as PDF files to a directory of your choice. Advanced Visual ...

GTK DBF Editor

1.0.4 download

GTK DBF Editor is a simple and easy-to-use application built for viewing and editing DBF files. This software is built with GTK+ and is able to support DBF files from dBase and xBase. ...

FoxPro Copy Tables To Another FoxPro Database Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to copy tables from one FoxPro database to another. For each database, the user simply chooses the DBC file or a folder ...

FoxPro Change Case To Proper, Upper, Lower & Sentence Software

7.0 download

... be via a single DBC file or multiple DBF files in a selected folder. ...


1.5 download

Use dbfHeaderEdit to view and edit headers of DBF files dbfHeaderEdit can modify the following data in DBF-header: - table type; - last modification date; - ...


8.6.1 download

This program is a database (DBF) manager. It can handle all functions to create and modify the DBFs in format OEM (dos) and ANSI (windows). It also creates indices in format ...


1.1.0843 download

DBFRecovery is a powerful data recovery software for damaged Microsoft Visual FoxPro files (.DBF). Unfortunately, databases become corrupted every now and then due to unexpected software or hardware failure and regular ...

FoxPro Sybase ASE Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to transfer tables to and from FoxPro and Sybase ASE (Adaptive Server Enterprise). The user simply enters the login information for the ...

DataNumen Database Recovery

2.7 download

... MS Access MDB and ACCDB databases, and DataNumen DBF Repair, for corrupt DBF databases. Main features: 1. Support to repair Microsoft ... in Access databases. 4. Support all versions of DBF database, including dBASE III, dBASE IV, dBASE 5 ...

Database Converters for Windows

3.45 download

Convert your Excel, Access, DBF, CSV files to different formats with ease. Every ... everyday's routine operations. It supports CSV to Excel, DBF; Excel to DBF, CSV, JSON; Access to Excel, DBF, CSV; DBF ...

Database Converters for OS X

1.10 download

Convert your Excel, SQLite, DBF, CSV files to different formats with ease. Every ... everyday's routine operations. It supports CSV to Excel, DBF, SQLite; Excel to DBF, CSV, SQLite; DBF to Excel, SQLite, CSV, DBF, ...


1.35 download

... Generally speaking, the program is high-grade command line DBF viewer and editor. If you are familiar with SQL language, you will notice some similar occurances. As parameters are transferred into ...


6.90 download

-View/Edit/Manage .dbf files. Use the same engine for accessing all .dbf files. -Produce reports/labels/letters in any sort - for any records Create multiple labels of one record. -Produce graphs with one ...

MySQL FoxPro Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

... to FoxPro through a DBC file or multiple DBF files in a folder. This software saves you time by providing a simple solution to a complex task. ...

Advanced XML Converter

3.07 download

... for converting XML files into HTML, SQL, CSV, DBF and XLS formats with ease. The software scans ... and complexity into convenient for reading HTML, CSV, DBF and XLS formats. With its user-friendly interface, you ...

FoxPro Editor Software

7.0 download

... to FoxPro via a DBC file or multiple DBF files in a folder. The ease of this software can save you from spending hours on a complex editor. ...

FoxPro PostgreSQL Import, Export & Convert Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to transfer tables to and from PostgreSQL and FoxPro databases. The user simply enters the login information for the PostgreSQL database and ...

Data Export - Oracle2DBF

1.2 download

... import Oracle(8, 8i, 9, 9i, 10g) database into DBF(dBASE(II, III, IV, V, 2000), FoxBase, FoxPro, Visual FoxPro(3.0, 5.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0)). It support export data in Oracle Procedure,or embed in ...