intelligent mail barcode downloads
Access Code 128 Barcode Generator
19.09 downloadThe Access Code 128 Barcode Generator displays dynamic barcodes for Code 128 barcode types by embedding a VBA module directly into ... components are needed to generate, print or display barcodes even when distributed to recipients. Other features include: ...
Access GS1 DataBar Barcode Generator
17.11 downloadThe Access GS1 DataBar Barcode Generator displays dynamic barcodes for DataBar barcode types by embedding a VBA module directly into ... components are needed to generate, print or display barcodes even when distributed to recipients. Other features include: ...
Universal 1D Barcode Font Package
2023 downloadThe Universal 1D Barcode Font Package is a single font in multiple sizes that generates barcodes in Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, GS1-128, ... such as Japanese, Chinese and Korean. -Multiple 1D barcode font types included such as Digitally Signed TrueType, ...
QR Code Native Excel Barcode Generator
17.07 downloadThe Native QR-Code Barcode Generator for Microsoft Excel provides barcoding capability to ... additional fonts or other components. The Native QR-Code Barcode Excel Generator is compatible for both Microsoft Windows ... greater on Mac with VBA support. Additional Native Barcode Generators include support for the following symbologies: Code ...
Excel Code 128 Barcode Generator
2023 downloadEnable Code 128 and GS1-128 Barcode Generation in Microsoft Excel. This is a VBA ... Excel spreadsheets and encodes data to display dynamic barcodes. Compatible with Excel 2007 and up in Windows, ...
Excel Code 128 Barcode Generator
2023 downloadEnable Code 128 and GS1-128 Barcode Generation in Microsoft Excel. This is a VBA ... Excel spreadsheets and encodes data to display dynamic barcodes. Compatible with Excel 2007 and up in Windows, ...
Excel QR Code Barcode Generator
2023 downloadEnable 2D QR Code barcode generation in Excel. This product embeds directly into ... spreadsheets and easily encodes data to generate dynamic barcodes. Supports UTF-8, Swiss QR-Bill, GS1 QR Code, and ... components are needed to generate, print, or display barcodes even when the spreadsheet is distributed to recipients. ...
Excel PDF417 Barcode Generator
21.10 downloadThe Excel Data Matrix Barcode Generator displays dynamic barcodes by embedding a VBA module directly into the ... components are needed to generate, print or display barcodes even when the spreadsheet is distributed to recipients. ...
Bytescout BarCode Reader downloadReads barcodes: QR Code, Code 39, Code 128, EAN 13, ... 417, UPCA, UPCE, Codablock, Aztec, and others Bytescout BarCode Reader is able to read barcode from image (PNG, JPG, TIFF, GIF) , read ...
Java Linear + 2D Barcode Package
21.05 downloadThe Java Linear + 2D Barcode Package includes JavaBeans, Applets, Servlets and Class Libraries to generate barcode images on platforms with a Java Virtual Machine ... 1.4 and above including Headless Java which allows barcode images to be generated without a graphic environment. ...
Linear Barcode Font Encoder Software App
2016 downloadThe IDAutomation Barcode Font Encoder is a software application used to encode the data needed to barcode in a graphical user interface (GUI) or by using command-line parameters (CMD). Designed specifically for IDAutomation's barcode fonts, the encoded data may be pasted into ...
Java Code 128 Barcode Generator
17.06 downloadThe Java Code 128 Barcode Package includes JavaBeans, Applets, Servlets and Class Libraries to generate barcodes on platforms with a Java Virtual Machine into ... 1.4 and above including Headless Java which allows barcode images to be generated without a graphic environment. ...
ISBN Book Barcode Package
12.07 downloadThe ISBN Book Barcode Package contains the Linear Image Generator to generate an EAN-13 barcode, as well as the OCR Font Package to ... these elements combine to display a complete ISBN Barcode with required OCR text. Additional features include: -Includes ...
ASP.NET Linear Barcode Web Server
09.04 downloadThe ASP.NET Barcode Web Server Control is a component that generates graphic barcode images in ASP.NET web environments. Barcodes are high-quality PNG, BMP, GIF or JPEG formats ... -Flexible sizing options include adjusting x-dimension, wide-to-narrow ratio, barcode height and more. The ASP.NET Barcode Web Server ...
Access Linear Barcode Generator
19.09 downloadThe Microsoft Access Linear Barcode Generator installs into an Access Report or Form to create barcodes without fonts or components. Any report where the object is installed can generate and display barcode images for a range of symbologies, even when ...
ASP.NET 2D Barcode Web Server Control
2023 downloadThe ASP.NET Linear + 2D Barcode Web Server Control generates barcode images in ASP.NET web environments. Barcodes are high-quality PNG, BMP, GIF or JPEG formats ... -Flexible sizing options include adjusting x-dimension, wide-to-narrow ratio, barcode height and more. The ASP.NET Linear + 2D ...
2D Barcode ActiveX Control
19.11 download... is easily used to generate linear and 2D barcodes in Microsoft Access, Excel, Infopath, Internet Explorer, Visual ... with improved 64-bit compatibility. Several linear and two-dimensional barcode types are supported, including Code 39, Extended Code ...
Filemaker USPS Generator
16.12 downloadThe USPS FileMaker Barcode Generator integrates easily within a FileMaker database. Once installed, barcode types used by the US Postal Service may ... version that supports the web viewer object. -Supports Intelligent Mail IMb, Postnet, and others used by the ...
Filemaker USPS Generator
16.12 downloadThe USPS FileMaker Barcode Generator integrates easily within a FileMaker database. Once installed, barcode types used by the US Postal Service may ... version that supports the web viewer object. -Supports Intelligent Mail IMb, Postnet, and others used by the ...
Postal Barcoder Max
1.7.3 downloadPostal Barcoder Max creates is low-cost software that makes it easy to create Intelligent Mail barcodes for your First Class mail, bulk mail and reply envelopes. And, it gets you tracking ...
3.10.3 downloadUse iBarcoder to design and print your own barcoded labels, stickers, tags, QR code and Datamatrix generator. Create barcode graphics for retail packages, books, stickers, and more. Smart, intuitive barcode software: - Create professional barcoded labels with a ...
Quick Lettertracker
2.2.3 downloadEver drop some mail in the corner mailbox and wonder if it will ever get delivered? Or send out a direct mail campaign and think some of your trays just ... you could track the progress of your business mail through the USPS system? Well, you can, with ...
iBarcoder for Mac OS X
3.11.1 download... if you need to create personalized labels or barcodes on your own. Since the application comes with ... your goals in no time. Both the barcode and the label can be exported to different ...
StrokeScribe download... developers with additional flexibility and allows to integrate barcode into existing documents from programs that do not ... directly. Metafiles are used to draw the barcode images, so it allows to print them with ...
Postage Saver
11.3.8 download... that makes it easy to prepare USPS bulk mailings, so you save postage and time.Postage $aver:- walks you through each mailing step-by-step, so you don't have to learn "postal-speak";- prints an easy-to-follow instruction sheet for each mailing, listing the zip codes that go in each ...