time organizer downloads
JetPhoto Studio for Mac
5.6 download... JetPhoto Studio is also an efficient desktop photo organizer for flickr users. Edit tags, descriptions, geo data ... photo was taken. JetPhoto matches digital photos with time-synchronized GPS tracks to locate photos automatically, and links ...
Jello Dashboard
5.31 download... complete GTD system. GTD is a brilliant time-management practice and a part of its greatness lies ... GTD using a pack of cards, a standard organizer, a PDA or a cell phone, a notebook ...
Jello Dashboard Portable
5.31 download... complete GTD system. GTD is a brilliant time-management practice and a part of its greatness lies ... GTD using a pack of cards, a standard organizer, a PDA or a cell phone, a notebook ...
2020.08.24 downloadIn my free time I develop software called Proxy32 (32-bit executable written ... configured gadgets. This Tree Window represents the “Universal Organizer” for computer tasks. Proxy32 GUI interface also includes Desktop ...
myCopernic on the Go! download... accessing and downloading content such as files, emails, organizer items, music and pictures stored on your PC. ... files and emails to your contacts at any time, from anywhere - Show pictures to clients or ...
Start PDM
1.3 download... ID's, passwords, ... everything you need all the time, all in one neat, easy to access and ... Also includes a 'Personal Scratch Pad', 'Announce The Time' capability, 'Social Media Menu', many personal data slots, ...
2.89 download... wealth of information. This feature significantly reduces the time and effort required to manually input metadata, allowing ... the software's batch processing capability is a major time-saver, enabling users to tag multiple files simultaneously with ...
DIMIN Viewer n5
5.4.0 download... files from the Play List dramatically reduced perceptual time of loading images; * NEW! Productivity and automation ... tool is a very convenient for fast image organizer; * Advanced filter scripting; * Automatic update capability ...
Perfect Phone Icons
2013.1 download... multiple contacts, and so on. A variety of organizer symbols and events is included, such as alarm, timer, clock, calendar, date and time. Technically, the entire collection of 99 icons is ...