multiple file rename downloads
MQ File Mover for Linux & Mac OS X
4.1.8 downloadThe MQ File Mover v4.1.5 (MQFM) application is a managed file transfer solution that facilitates the transfer of files using IBM's WebSphere MQ (aka MQSeries). MQFM processes ... which are controlled through an MQFM Workflow XML file. The user combines a series of Action commands ...
Convert OST to EML File
6.0 downloadOST File converter is the one tool which helps user to convert emails from OST data file to EML file format. You can select to convert multiple OST file or folder having multiple OST files. ...
EF Multi File Renamer
24.03 downloadEF Multi File Renamer is a versatile tool for easily renaming multiple files or whole directories (including subfolders) in one step. EF Multi File Renamer's clear approach to renaming rules stands out ...
APK File Manager Beta downloadAPK File Manager aims to assist you in organizing your ... able to organize your (legally obtained) android .apk file collection. Features include getting Play Store information and screenshots from each apk file, and storing them offline for later viewing. The ...
Aoao Batch Rename
2.2 downloadAoao Batch Rename is a easy and comprehensive piece of software that enables you to multiple rename your files at once.It's support import all file formats, batch rename just moment, but also a ...
HTML Rename Multiple Files Based On Content Software
7.0 download... solution to users who want to change the filenames of one or more HTM or HTML files based on content. The user simply chooses a list of files or an entire folder to process. There are ...
RTF Rename Multiple Files Based On Content Software
7.0 download... solution to users who want to change the filenames of one or more RTF files. The user simply chooses a list of files or an entire folder to process. There are ...
Split YAML Files Into Multiple Files Software
7.0 download... who want to split one or more YAML files into smaller ones. Simply specify the tag to ... put each block of data in a separate file. With this time-saving software, you can batch-split a ...
JPG Rename Multiple Files Based On Date Taken Software
7.0 download... solution to users who want to change the filenames of one or more JPG files. The user simply chooses a list of files or an entire folder to process. There are ...
MS PowerPoint Rename Multiple Files Based On Content Software
7.0 download... solution to users who want to change the file names based on content of one or more PowerPoint files. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder to be processed. There ...
PDF Rename Multiple Files Based On Content Software
7.0 download... solution to users who want to change the filenames of one or more PDF files. The user simply chooses a list of files or an entire folder to process. There are ...
Excel Rename Multiple Files Based On Content Software
7.0 download... solution to users who want to change the filenames in one or more Excel files. The user can specify a list of files or an entire folder and choose to rename ...
UltraFileSearch Std downloadFile Search Utility which is able to quickly find Files, Folders and Text on your Local, Network, DVD, ... Flash Drives. It allows you to specify several File Names and multiple Drives and/or Folders at the ...
UltraFileSearch Std Portable downloadFile Search Utility which is able to quickly find Files, Folders and Text on your Local, Network, DVD, ... Flash Drives. It allows you to specify several File Names and multiple Drives and/or Folders at the ...
SoftSpire EML Enhancer
1.2 downloadAre you unable to Find a particular EML File in Windows Live Mail ? Give a try to EML Enhancer tool that rename EML files having file names that is difficult ...
PC Fsearcher Beta download... functionality. You can not only search for the files that interest you but also rename them. ...
Personal Renamer downloadRenames files just about any way you like. Monitor folders for files and auto rename(Have program rename images when downloaded). Undo, Save settings, Imageview, Drag-drop, and more. File Management made easy. Very good for those pesky ...
5.3 downloadFind-it will find any file, anywhere on your disc or the entire network. Above all: it scans files for their content, even multiple phrases in any desired logical combination (and/or/not). in ...
IOGenie Batch Renamer
1.2 downloadIOGenie Batch Renamer is freeware product for you to change the name of multiple files in a flash. Specify your own naming criteria for the files you want to modify. Replace texts in file ...
Portable NexusFile
5.4.1 downloadNexusFile is a powerful and fast file manager that allows you to browse through the ... integrated utilities that let you go beyond just file browsing and exploring such as a file extractor ...
11.0 download... a technique that you can use to have files use less space than they normally would. PentaZip, ... at homepage you can read and write 7Zip files as well as open and extract from compiled ...
Ron's Renamer
2019.09.23.1506 downloadRon's Renamer is a tool for renaming many files in one go, using rules like search and replace. Batches of files can be 10's to 1000's, and span multiple directories, with an unlimited number of rules that ...
Advanced Renamer
3.84 downloadFor more than 15 years Advanced Renamer has been a powerful batch rename utility. It enabled you to perform renaming of multiple files by configuring a set of rules. Tags are ...
Advanced Renamer
3.94 downloadFor more than 10 years Advanced Renamer has been a powerful batch rename utility. It enabled you to perform renaming of multiple files by configuring a set of rules. Tags are ...
Advanced Renamer Portable
3.94 downloadAdvanced Renamer is a freeware program for naming a large batch of files or folders in a snap. It uses several ... new names and it has tools for multimedia files like photo and music files. This program makes ...