sends downloads
Android Mobile Phones SMS Software downloadCost effective android mobile SMS sending application provides best option to save sent message details for viewing later in easiest way. Advance Android Mobile Phones SMS Software is useful for sending ...
USB Modem Bulk SMS Software downloadUser friendly USB Modem Bulk SMS Software facilitates to connect multiple numbers of GSM modems to your computer system for sending promotional campaigns, greetings, news alerts, notifications, Standard messages and other ...
Blackberry Mobile Messaging Software downloadUser friendly Blackberry Mobile Messaging Software provides exclusion list wizard which maintains the lists of contacts or Groups, which you may need to exclude time to time when sending messages. Bulk ...
Text SMS Software-Professional downloadText SMS Software-Professional provides facility for users to send text sms to your relatives, friends and other dear people from desktop using phones. Text sms for mobiles application allows you to ...
Express Dictate Professional
5.95 downloadExpress Dictate Digital Dictation is a voice recording program that works like a dictaphone. It lets you use your PC to send dictation to your typist by email, internet, or over ...
Bulk Text Messaging Sender Software downloadPC to mobile text messaging tool is an innovative utility to create and send unlimited group SMS to selective cell phone users at both national and international mobile networks without any ...
Multi-Device SMS Sending Application downloadPC to mobile phone text messaging application provides an easy method to compose and send unlimited text messages to unlimited mobile numbers nationally or globally without any use of Internet connection. ...
Android Phones Text Messaging Software downloadBulk message software for android mobile phones is used by different users to convey their information using messages which take less time and money compare to telephonic call or sending electronic ...
Blackberry Phone SMS Messaging Software downloadBlackberry Multiple SMS Messaging Software provides facility of transmitting enormous amount of messages in a single time from PC by connecting blackberry mobile phone to multiple mobile without internet gateway. Blackberry ...
Apple Texting Software using USB Modem downloadApple MacOS X Mass Bulk SMS Broadcasting Software allows the user to communicate with friends, relatives and business partners by sending standard messages or notifications to their contact numbers. User can ...
SMS Bulk Sending Application downloadPC to mobile phone text messaging application provides an easy method to compose and send unlimited text messages to unlimited mobile numbers nationally or globally without any use of Internet connection. ...
Android Mobile Text SMS Messaging Tool downloadBulk message software for android mobile phones is used by different users to convey their information using messages which take less time and money compare to telephonic call or sending electronic ...
Blackberry Mobiles SMS Texting Software downloadBlackberry Multiple SMS Messaging Software provides facility of transmitting enormous amount of messages in a single time from PC by connecting blackberry mobile phone to multiple mobile without internet gateway. Blackberry ...
MacOS USB Modem SMS Messaging Software downloadApple MacOS X Mass Bulk SMS Broadcasting Software allows the user to communicate with friends, relatives and business partners by sending standard messages or notifications to their contact numbers. User can ...
Bulk SMS Messaging Tool with Blackberry downloadBlackberry bulk SMS transfer utility send instant messages like advertisement, product promotional, weather news etc. with fast, reliable and cost effective solution. Blackberry Multiple SMS Messaging Software provides facility of transmitting ...
MacOS USB Modem SMS Sending Software downloadApple MacOS X Mass Bulk SMS Broadcasting Software allows the user to communicate with friends, relatives and business partners by sending standard messages or notifications to their contact numbers. User can ...
Bulk Sms Android Mobile Messaging Tool downloadBulk message software for android mobile phones is used by different users to convey their information using messages which take less time and money compare to telephonic call or sending electronic ...
Multiple Devices SMS Delivery Software downloadPC to mobile phone text messaging application provides an easy method to compose and send unlimited text messages to unlimited mobile numbers nationally or globally without any use of Internet connection. ...
Bulk SMS Software for BlackBerry downloadProfessionally designed group messages broadcasting tool does not require any special hardware device or sms gateway to transmit unlimited job alerts using phone connected with PC. Powerful and reliable BlackBerry Bulk ...
Blackberry Bulk Messages Sender downloadBlackberry sms sender software is downloaded on website for delivering a large number of text sms to multiple people. Send Text Messages from Blackberry application helps users for transferring unlimited ...
Bulk SMS Android Messaging Software downloadBest and cheap Bulk SMS Messaging Software allows user to forward business news, job alerts, market new and other similar types of notifications from office computer system without any monthly subscription ...
Multi Mobile Text Messaging Program downloadHow to promote new offers and products among target customer? Download Multi Mobile Text Messaging Program and easily see how you can send multiple messages from your PC connected via Multi ...
Android Mobile Bulk SMS Software
6.5.9 downloadGUI based Android Mobile Bulk SMS Software provides best solution for increasing business sale, mobile marketing etc by sending unlimited text messages to many mobile users. Professional text sms sender application ...
GSM Bulk SMS Software offers GSM Bulk SMS Software gives advance option to omit duplicate contact number entries from system while sending group messages. Bulk SMS application easily broadcast product special offers and latest ...
Blackberry Text Messaging Tool downloadWant to forward hundreds of text notes? Trial version of Blackberry Text Messaging application is available at website to forward unlimited business promotional messages to group of numbers. User friendly ...