basis downloads
Automatic App Translator
1.1.1 downloadAutomatic App Translator is an automated translation application for OS X 10.10 and up. Aimed at iOS and OS X developers, it seeks to ease the burden of translating and localizing ...
signIT download... process. Execute processes on a group or individual basis. Configurations are maintained to save time during your software release phase. Selections made for Windows SDK files and Manifest files (target ...
3.9.44 downloadCracklock is the leader in the hard task of repairing a bug present in a growing number of sharewares and exploited by a polymorph virus known as the "30th day" virus. ...
vCard to Outlook Transfer download... import of contacts occasionally or on a regular basis. The software is not bundled with any third-party software, is 100% malware-free and can be easily removed from the system without ...
Eudora to Outlook Transfer download... novices to professionals performing migrations on a daily basis. ...
6.4 download... We offer custom solutions built on the FossLook basis and covering wide range of tasks. Our software can be successfully used for creating customer's own solutions as well as expanding ...
Door Control
4.9 downloadWhen using the computer on a daily basis, we often have to open and close the DVD drive door. However, this can be a bit of a hassle if the ...
Messages Editor download... is linked to one file. That is, a basis corresponds to a single file on the hard disk of the Windows workstation. A database, so a file, must be accessible ...
Mbox to Outlook Transfer download... users and professionals performing conversions on a regular basis at work. The product is a true time- and money saver in situations that require immediate action with a guaranteed result. ...
BAS Business Accounts Software
2 download... based business to provide simple and effective cash basis business accounting including GST and BAS reporting. Standard business accounting software provides a range of functionality not required by most small ...
DriverPack Solution Online
17.11.108 download... dialogs. New DriverPack 18 is designed on the basis of the previous versions which have already proved their exceptional stability. Release of the new version is scheduled for year 2017. ...
7.2.0 download... software with everything you need to create the basis for your next song. It is a step sequencer, VST-host and music notation software. HitFactor is easy to get started with ...
MediaCoder Portable
0.8.65 B6050 download... latest codecs are added or updated in weekly basis, which you get all for free! MediaCoder is not the easiest transcoder, but what matters here is quality and performance, and ...
Antivirus One
3.6.7 download... disk scanning using Antivirus One on a regular basis to keep your Mac safe from security threats. ...
VeryUtils Office to PDF Shell
2.7 download... to automatically create PDF files on a server-wide basis and individual users from an extra step of using the "Save as..." command on their Office files. These PDF files can ...
IOGenie Auto Shutdown
1.3 download... of time, or run it regularly on daily basis. You can also enable notification so that it will remind you of the task for like 1 minute before it is ...
How to Save Webpage as PDF
2022.8.7894 download... that need to reference information on a regular basis. Instead of hoping the site is still live, they can take a viable copy. Imagine how much this will benefit libraries, ...
Motion Desktop
1.0.0 download... for remote access is available on a PAYG basis. Free 7 day Cloud Plan when you register. No commitment. No bank/card details required. No contract. ...
ExtraSubst Home
10.1 download... subst.exe utility and creates virtual disks on the basis of selected folders in both system modes: Elevated and Non-Elevated using GUI interface. Physical drives remain unchanged and are not divided ...
ExtraSubst x64
10.0 download... subst.exe utility and creates virtual disks on the basis of selected folders in both system modes: Elevated and Non-Elevated using GUI interface. Physical drives remain unchanged and are not divided ...
Aryson PDF Bates Numbering Tool
23.11 download... add Bates numbers to PDF files on the basis of their page arrangement. It assists in previewing Bates numbers in multiple PDF files at once. This software is permitted to ...
2.2 download... by installed software on a file by file basis. Shows all the data it will remove before starting the uninstallation. Filter and search the list of installed software. According to ...
13.06.22 download... layout! Don't need animation design! Don't need the basis of 3D design! FEATURES: Navigation: ยท This is designed specifically for interactive use navigation, allowing you to freely cross ...
Portable EF CheckSum Manager
24.06 download... file additionally, the receiver can determine on the basis the checksum whether the received files are OK or not. Also many files in the Internet are offered for the ...
EF CheckSum Manager
24.03 download... file additionally, the receiver can determine on the basis the checksum whether the received files are OK or not. Also many files in the Internet are offered for the Download, ...