mercator downloads
Eye4Software Coordinate Calculator download... introduced map datums. Supported map projections include: Transverse Mercator (regular and south orientated), Universal Transverse Mercator, (Hotine) Oblique Mercator, Swiss Oblique Mercator, Mercator, Oblique Stereographic, Polar Stereographic, Cassini, Albers Equal Area ...
GeoDataSource World Cities Database (Gold Edition)
March.2025 download... and latitude in degree and decimal, Univeral Transverse Mercator coordinate grid and Joint Operations Graphic reference. Free database in text format suitable for applications requiring a complete list of city ...
GeoDataSource World Cities Database (Platinum Edition)
February.2025 download... and latitude in degree and decimal, Univeral Transverse Mercator coordinate grid, Joint Operations Graphic reference and population. Free database in text format suitable for applications requiring a complete list of ...
GeoDataSource World Cities Database (Titanium Edition)
March.2025 download... and latitude in degree and decimal, Universal Transverse Mercator coordinate grid, Joint Operations Graphic reference, population and time zone. Free database in text format suitable for applications requiring a complete ...
UTM Coordinate Converter
2.0.4 download... between various Latitude/Longitudes systems and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system. It includes a map that displays the location you converter, as well the map allows to select a location ...
UTM Coordinate Converter Mac Silicon
2.0.4 download... between various Latitude/Longitudes systems and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system. It includes a map that displays the location you converter, as well the map allows to select a location ...
UTM Coordinate Converter Mac Intel
2.0.4 download... between various Latitude/Longitudes systems and the Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM) system. It includes a map that displays the location you converter, as well the map allows to select a location ...
Stellarium for Linux
24.2 downloadStellarium for Linux is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars or a ...
Portable Marble
2.2.0 download... projections: Choose between a Flat Map ("Plate carré"), Mercator or the Globe. ...
Stellarium for Windows (x64 bit)
24.2 downloadStellarium for Windows (x64 bit) is a free open source planetarium for your computer. It shows a realistic sky in 3D, just like what you see with the naked eye, binoculars ...
Desktop Projector
3.4.0 download... 90 different map projections, including popular ones like Mercator, Robinson, and Mollweide, as well as more specialized projections such as the Dymaxion and Waterman Butterfly. This extensive range of options ...
3.7.1 download... the analysis of multidisciplinary data sets. Choose from Mercator, North polar and South polar projections. Save the images for papers and presentations. Users can import their own grids, tabular ...
1.5.1 download... Offers multiple panorama projections like Spherical, Cylindrical, Rectilinear, Mercator, and Stereographic. 3D Scene Review Tool: Allows users to visualize and analyze the position and orientation of the drone and its ...
Panovolo for Mac
1.5.1 download... Offers multiple panorama projections like Spherical, Cylindrical, Rectilinear, Mercator, and Stereographic. 3D Scene Review Tool: Allows users to visualize and analyze the position and orientation of the drone and its ...
MapTiler Engine
14.0.2 download... various map projections, including popular ones like Web Mercator and EPSG:4326, ensuring that the generated tiles are compatible with a wide range of mapping platforms. Integration capabilities are another ...