nmea to kml downloads
6.4.3 download... information has been updated * Create Google Earth KML and KMZ files. View photos pinned along the path traveled * Publish photos and KML files to Dropbox. Share images on a map ...
1.0.5 downloadAtom GPS freeware easily geotags your photos directly from your GPS device or track log. By simply connecting your GPS Device to Atom GPS and selecting your photos you can add ...
GPX Editor
1.7.14 B1740 download... Google Maps viewing mode. Data is importable from NMEA, NGT and KML formats, and exportable to KML, CSV and HTM files. ...
OkMap Desktop
18.9.4 download... from GPS devices -Navigate in real time through NMEA protocol -Map tiling for handheld GPS -Display Google ... e molti altre -Maps: file world; ECW, GeoTiff, KML/KMZ, JNX, OziExplorer, CompeGPS, GPSTrackMaker, RMap, MBTiles, OruxMaps, GpsTuner ...
GPS Converter
5.5 download... * KMZ files (Keyhole Markup Language)(kmz) * KML files (Keyhole Markup Language)(kml) * GPS exchange format ... only)(gpi) * Palm Address Book files (aba) * NMEA 0183 sentences files (nmea) * SUUNTO Data files ...
inSSIDer download... * Export Wi-Fi and GPS data to a KML file to view in Google Earth. ...