scientific downloads

Scientific calculator - ScienCalc

1.3.59 download

ScienCalc is a convenient and powerful scientific calculator. ScienCalc calculates mathematical expression. It supports the common arithmetic operations (+, -, *, /) and parentheses. The program contains high-performance arithmetic, trigonometric, ...

DreamCalc Scientific Graphing Calculator

5.0.4 download

DreamCalc is the Ultimate Free Scientific Graphing Calculator for Windows. A slick math application ... to use. DreamCalc offers a full range of scientific functions, statistics, complex numbers, base-n logic, unit conversions, ...

DPLS Scientific Calculator

3.2.1 download

This highly functional and easy to use Scientific Calculator is a must for science students. The ... note pad and can be displayed in decimals, scientific notation or engineering notation. A search system can ...


4.7 download

... Environment (PSE), for modeling, simulation and visualization of scientific problems. SCIRun now includes the biomedical components formally released as BioPSE, as well as BioMesh3D. SCIRun is available for free ...

SCIRun x64

4.7 download

... Environment (PSE), for modeling, simulation and visualization of scientific problems. SCIRun now includes the biomedical components formally released as BioPSE, as well as BioMesh3D. SCIRun is available for free ...

Calc98 for Windows Mobile

5.3 download

... and complex numbers. It is especially designed for scientific and engineering users, students and teachers and it is also widely used in finance and medicine. ...

ESBCalc Pro

9.4.0 download

ESBCalc Pro is an Enhanced Windows Scientific Calculator with Infix Processing, Exponential Notation, Brackets, Scientific Functions, Memory, Optional Paper Trail, Printing, Result History ...

Calculator X8 for Windows UWP download

... 3 different themes and use the calculator in scientific or normal mode. Open Themes in the app ... the app or snap it to switch between scientific and basic calculator and switch between radian and ...


6.1.1 download

... providing a powerful computing environment for engineering and scientific applications. Scilab is available under GNU/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows Vista/7/8/10. What does Scilab do? Scilab ...

Numpy for Windows

1.11.2 download

NumPy is the fundamental package needed for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things: ... and random number capabilities. Besides its obvious scientific uses, NumPy can also be used as an ...

Numpy for Mac OS X

1.6.2 download

NumPy is the fundamental package needed for scientific computing with Python. It contains among other things: ... and random number capabilities. Besides its obvious scientific uses, NumPy can also be used as an ...

Kalkules download

Kalkules is an universal scientific freeware calculator with an amount of untraditional functions, which can be used particularly by high school or university students. It also offers a wide range ...

Portable Kalkules download

Kalkules is an universal scientific freeware calculator with an amount of untraditional functions, which can be used particularly by high school or university students. It also offers a wide range ...

Rlab for Windows

2.1.05 download

Rlab is an interactive, interpreted scientific programming environment. Rlab is a very high level language intended to provide fast prototyping and program development, as well as easy data-visualization, and processing. ...

Rlab for Linux

2.1.05 download

Rlab is an interactive, interpreted scientific programming environment. Rlab is a very high level language intended to provide fast prototyping and program development, as well as easy data-visualization, and processing. ...

DreamCalc Graphing Edition

5.0.4 download

DreamCalc is the leading Graphing Scientific Calculator software that's so realistic—it dispenses with the ... annual rate calculations. Fully featured range of math, scientific & statistical functions. Supports natural fractions, complex numbers, ...

Yorick for Windows download

... Yorick is an interpreted programming language for scientific simulations or calculations, postprocessing or steering large simulation codes, interactive scientific graphics, and reading, writing, or translating large files ...

Yorick for Mac OS X download

... Yorick is an interpreted programming language for scientific simulations or calculations, postprocessing or steering large simulation codes, interactive scientific graphics, and reading, writing, or translating large files ...

FreeMat for Windows

4.2 download

... is a free environment for rapid engineering and scientific prototyping and data processing. It is similar to commercial systems such as MATLAB from Mathworks, and IDL from Research Systems, but ...

FreeMat for Linux

4.2 download

... is a free environment for rapid engineering and scientific prototyping and data processing. It is similar to commercial systems such as MATLAB from Mathworks, and IDL from Research Systems, but ...

FreeMat for Mac OS X

4.2 download

... is a free environment for rapid engineering and scientific prototyping and data processing. It is similar to commercial systems such as MATLAB from Mathworks, and IDL from Research Systems, but ...

MayaVi for Windows

1.5 download

MayaVi is a free, easy to use scientific data visualizer. It is written in Python and uses the amazing Visualization Toolkit (VTK) for the graphics. It provides a GUI written ...

MayaVi for Mac OS X

1.5 download

MayaVi is a free, easy to use scientific data visualizer. It is written in Python and uses the amazing Visualization Toolkit (VTK) for the graphics. It provides a GUI written ...

MayaVi for Linux

1.5 download

MayaVi is a free, easy to use scientific data visualizer. It is written in Python and uses the amazing Visualization Toolkit (VTK) for the graphics. It provides a GUI written ...

Science Toolbar Icons

2013.1 download

Develop slick and professional scientific or engineering software or Web sites faster and easier with a comprehensive collection of scientific icons. Science Toolbar Icons depict common objects and ... Chemical and Statistics Analysis, and many, many more. Scientific projects are not all about calculations. Hence Science ...