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MP3 Fox

4.14 download

MP3Fox is easy to use, standard options will probably deliver the best results. Features * Rename multiple mp3 files using ID3v1 or ID3v2 tag * Fix filenames of mp3/wma ...

NetSNSOR download

NetSNSOR is a internet connection checker and can execute files and/or play WAV if internet connection not found. Features: 1. Completely portable (no installation, run it from your pendrive!). ...


1.0.20110606 download

Gnaural was designed to be a multi-platform programmable binaural-beat generator, implementing the principle of binaural beats. A programmable binaural beat and pink noise generator. Outputs in stereo 44.1khz PCM WAV format. ...

Gnaural for Mac OS X

1.0.20110606 download

Gnaural was designed to be a multi-platform programmable binaural-beat generator, implementing the principle of binaural beats. A programmable binaural beat and pink noise generator. Outputs in stereo 44.1khz PCM WAV format. ...

Gnaural for Linux

1.0.20110606 download

Gnaural was designed to be a multi-platform programmable binaural-beat generator, implementing the principle of binaural beats. A programmable binaural beat and pink noise generator. Outputs in stereo 44.1khz PCM WAV format. ...

Helicon Ape download

Helicon Ape provides support for Apache .htacces and .htpasswd configuration files in Microsoft IIS. It literally implements Apache configuration model and nearly all Apache modules in a single IIS add-on, not ...


4.5.5 download

FoxyProxy is a set of proxy management tools. FoxyProxy also offers reliable, high-banwidth proxy servers in 24 different countries. With these servers, you can: * Access your favorite video sites ...

NoScript for Mac OS X

11.4.29 download

The NoScript Firefox extension provides extra protection for Firefox, Flock, Seamonkey and other mozilla-based browsers: this free, open source add-on allows JavaScript, Java and Flash and other plugins to be executed ...

Alarm Timer

1.2 download

Alarm Timer is an alarm clock on PC. If your need alarm on your trip, you can use your PC as an alram clock. ...


2.0 download

About : Folder2Iso just creates an iso from any kind of folder (with the subfolders). Its a GUI of mkisofs. No need of installation , really small exe. Some of you ...


2.3 download

AviSub is a freeware tool that can mux up to three [srt/sub/txt(microdvd) or vobsubs] subtitle streams on an avi file. Generates an *.divx file with embed xsubs. Uses the latest tecnology ...


2.0.1 download

That's right! WebRun is a software for Windows that allows you to run any program installed on your PC, simply by clicking a link inside an HTML page. WebRun also opens ...


3.3.0 download

The application Bio7 is an integrated development environment for ecological modelling with a main focus on individual based modelling and spatially explicit models. The application itself is based on an RCP-Eclipse-Environment ...

Bio7 x64

3.3.0 download

The application Bio7 x64 is an integrated development environment for ecological modelling with a main focus on individual based modelling and spatially explicit models. The application itself is based on an ...

Bio7 for Linux

3.2.0 download

The application Bio7 is an integrated development environment for ecological modelling with a main focus on individual based modelling and spatially explicit models. The application itself is based on an RCP-Eclipse-Environment ...

Eclipse SDK

4.32 download

Eclipse SDK is an open source platform-independent software framework for delivering what the project calls or is known as "rich-client applications" (as opposed to "thin clients", this means the clients perform ...

Poker Challenge download

This enjoyable, easy-to-learn card game cleverly blends the rules of poker with solitaire. The object of the game is to identify poker hands within a deck of cards that has been ...

Solitaire Piknic download

This enjoyable, easy-to-learn card game cleverly blends the rules of poker with solitaire. The object of the game is to identify poker hands within a deck of cards that has been ...

BoxedApp SDK

2.1 download

A developer library for application virtualization providing the ability to create virtual files, virtual registry entries and values. BoxedApp SDK creates a virtual file system and virtual registry. Add virtual files ...

Tams11 Alien Escape download

Get ready to take a multi-planet trip. The Little Green guy is trying to get somewhere. Match the planets on the game grid to the planets the Green one wants to ...

Free Apple Video Converter Factory

3.0.1 download

Free Apple Video Converter Factory is all-in-one apple video conversion program, it can convert popular video format to iPad, iPod, iPhone and Apple TV. And it is also an easy-to-use software. ...

Voxengo Sound Delay x64

1.13 download

Sound Delay is an auxiliary multi-channel signal delaying AU and VST plugin for professional audio applications. You may specify delay time in both milliseconds and samples, with a high level of ...

Voxengo Sound Delay for Mac OS X

1.13 download

Sound Delay is an auxiliary multi-channel signal delaying AU and VST plugin for professional audio applications. You may specify delay time in both milliseconds and samples, with a high level of ...

OGG to MP3

9.1.0 download

OGG To MP3 is a FREE, fast and straightforward ogg to mp3 converter. It is capable of converting OGG to MP3 easily and quickly. OGG To MP3 is capable of decoding ...

Moo0 VideoConverter

1.28 download

Moo0 VideoConverter is an easy-to-use video converter, supporting most kinds of video / audio formats. Using this tool, you can convert most kinds of video into others, including FLV ...