chemical structure downloads
Chemical Data
2.9 downloadChemical Engineering/General Data app provides information on over 4000 chemical compounds from various chemical groups. The information can be saved as a ... ALL features enabled and no ads. The main Chemical Groups are :- (Only certain group type information ...
2021.2.2 downloadACD/ChemSketch Freeware is a popular and comprehensive chemical drawing package, intended for home and educational use ... Web site further distributes the power of this chemical structure drawing package to desktops around the world. ...
9.1.0 downloadChemDoodle is a fully functional chemical drawing application that works on every operating system! ... that it's not just a program for creating chemical structures or molecule drawings. It is a 2D ...
ChemDoodle for Mac OS X
9.1.0 downloadChemDoodle is a fully functional chemical drawing application that works on every operating system! ... that it's not just a program for creating chemical structures or molecule drawings. It is a 2D ...
ChemDoodle for Linux
9.1.0 downloadChemDoodle is a fully functional chemical drawing application that works on every operating system! ... that it's not just a program for creating chemical structures or molecule drawings. It is a 2D ...
1.60 downloadSketchEl is an interactive chemical molecule sketching tool, and molecular spreadsheet data entry ... to conveniently edit diagram representations of small molecule structures. Toolbars, templates, mouse gestures, keyboard shortcuts, utility commands ... numeric property and identification data, alongside the molecular structures of interest. The native format is XML based, ...
Marvin Suite
24.3.2 download... to streamline the visualization, drawing, and analysis of chemical structures, making it an indispensable asset for both academic ... heart of Marvin Suite is MarvinSketch, a powerful chemical drawing application that allows users to create and ...
ChemPlot download... designed to streamline the creation and customization of chemical structures for both educational and professional purposes. This intuitive ... precision. The software supports a wide array of chemical symbols and templates, ensuring that users can accurately ...
FX Science Tools
20241124 download... tool designed to streamline the process of writing chemical equations. This software stands out for its intuitive ... Chem is its simplicity. Users can effortlessly type chemical equations as they would on paper, and the ...
JChem Suite
25.1.0 download... that streamline the management, analysis, and visualization of chemical data, making it an indispensable asset for both ... the core of JChem Suite is its powerful chemical database management system, which allows users to efficiently ...
SDF Viewer
2.0.2 downloadSDF Viewer, developed by Flyhoward Ltd, is a specialized software tool designed to simplify the process of viewing and managing SQL Server Compact Edition (SQL CE) database files, commonly known as ...
3.12 download... platform for accurate virtual screening based on 3D chemical feature pharmacophore models. It offers seamless workflows, starting both from ligand- and structure based pharmacophore modeling, and includes novel high performance ... to fully assess its capabilities! FEATURES: Structure-based 3D pharmacophore design: · Automatic interpretation of PDB ...
LigandScout for Mac OS X
3.12 download... platform for accurate virtual screening based on 3D chemical feature pharmacophore models. It offers seamless workflows, starting both from ligand- and structure based pharmacophore modeling, and includes novel high performance ... to fully assess its capabilities! FEATURES: Structure-based 3D pharmacophore design: · Automatic interpretation of PDB ...
LigandScout for Linux
3.12 download... platform for accurate virtual screening based on 3D chemical feature pharmacophore models. It offers seamless workflows, starting both from ligand- and structure based pharmacophore modeling, and includes novel high performance ... to fully assess its capabilities! FEATURES: Structure-based 3D pharmacophore design: · Automatic interpretation of PDB ...
ChemDBsoft Academic
Lite downloadChemDBsoft is chemical database software for management of chemistry databases of any size. Data management features include: free structure drawer, 70+ template structures, fast and easy database creation, simple data views ...
23.16.0 download... directly with the structural information. FEATURES: Chemical structure drawing Molecular modeling Tune, combine and view Predictors and enumerators Structure and valence checker Working with abbreviated groups Image ...
1.2.0 download... * Flexible: Features include Open Babel import of chemical files, multiple computational packages, crystals, biomolecules, etc. ... quite entertaining just creating your own different coloured structures that look good. This can be done simply ...
Visual Graph ActiveX Component
11 download... applications of various industries, such as power, coal, chemical, automation monitor, simulation, graphical modeling, graphical topology analysis, ... suitable for industrial automation monitor, simulation, power, coal, chemical trades. Visual Graph has the similar designer as ...
Science Toolbar Icons
2013.1 download... science and engineering, including Retort, Test Probe, Molecule, Structure, various mathematical symbols, Chemical and Statistics Analysis, and many, many more. Scientific ...
Perfect Science Icons
2015.1 download... and engineering, such as Retort, Test Probe, Molecule, Structure, numerous mathematical symbols, Chemical and Statistics Analysis, and many, many more. Scientific ...
Science Toolbar Icon Set
2013.1 download... science and engineering, including Retort, Test Probe, Molecule, Structure, various mathematical symbols, Chemical and Statistics Analysis, and many, many more. Scientific ...
Barcode Creator Utility download... and enables you to modify generated barcode label structure including color, text, size and styles. Barcode label software supports both lower and upper case letters (a, b, c, A, B, ...
3.1.0 download... datasets from various compatible file types. User-defined molecular structures are also supported - they could be entered by SMILES, or by using the built-in 2D structure diagram editor. ...
Toxtree Portable
3.1.0 download... datasets from various compatible file types. User-defined molecular structures are also supported - they could be entered by SMILES, or by using the built-in 2D structure diagram editor. ...
Comm Operator download... relay boards, Electronic Total Station, Global Positioning System, chemical and medical analysis instruments, DMX devices and SMTP protocol etc. Complex structure data can be created, like ZigBee/XBee API data ... window and remote access Dedicated input panel for structured data With specific send panel for NCD relay ...