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7.78 download... been a staple in the online communication landscape since its inception. Renowned for its reliability and rich feature set, mIRC offers users a seamless platform to connect, communicate, and collaborate ...
Simple Port Forwarding
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HDShredder Professional
3.6.4 download... (HDShredder/W) in addition to the self-booting program (HDShredder/S). Since both are operated identically, you do not have to change over when switching between HDShredder/s and HDShredder/W. ...
HDShredder Enterprise
4.0.1 download... (HDShredder/W) in addition to the self-booting program (HDShredder/S). Since both are operated identically, you do not have to change over when switching between HDShredder/s and HDShredder/W. ...
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Adobe Photoshop Elements
2024.3 download... Everybody likes to take photos when on vacation, since this is one of the ways one gets to preserve memories for longer periods and relive the great times they had. ...
Inno Setup
6.0.3 download... Key features: Support for every Windows release since 2006, including: Windows 10, Windows 10 on ARM, Windows 8.1, Windows 8, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows Server 2008 R2, ...
Blender for Mac OS X
4.2.2 download... 1000s of fixes and feature updates we did since the 2.5 beta versions were published. The next 2 months we will keep working on finishing a couple of ...
2.0.19 download... for Windows that has garnered a dedicated following since its inception. Designed to automate repetitive tasks, enhance productivity, and customize user interfaces, AutoHotkey stands out as a versatile tool for ...
1.4 download... customizers to change the look of a desklet, since they don't have to hassle with code. * Scalability. Each desklets can be scaled to whatever size the user prefers. * ...
2017.21 download... use by hundreds of thousands of NeoOffice users since 2003 * Significant speed improvements to the code NeoOffice draws highlighted text the same as Apple's Safari and ...
SpeedCommander x64
21.10.11200 download... Otherwise, we strongly recommend it to all users, since it clearly comes bundled with some very interesting features. Proven Two Window Technology: ยท SpeedCommander displays files and folders in ...
2.0.142 download... a limit with video source without degradation. Moreover, since the third party VFW codec is also supported, the user can choose a favorite solution. ...
Paragon Backup & Recovery Free Edition
2013 download... to a sector image to only archive changes since the last full sector-based image, thus considerably saving the backup storage space. To restore this kind of backup you will require ...
5.16.2 download... often stay away. This fact is particularly unfortunate since a number of implementations of UNIX, all of which are of exceptional quality and stability (Debian GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD etc.) are ...
Portable Simple Port Forwarding
3.8.5 download... as administrator in Vista and Windows 7) (*) Since The Program Works With The Routers Web Interface Then You Can Also Connect to The Routers Remote Web Interface And Setup ...
Firefox 4
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Backup4all Standard
8.5 B264 download... is performed, you can see what files changed since the last backup using the explorer-like tree view or you can read the statistics about the next backup execution. With ...
Backup4all Lite
9.9 Build 969 download... backup of all data or just incremental changes since the last backup. Additionally, the software offers compression options to save storage space and encryption to secure sensitive information. One ...
Trillian for iPhone
6.6.12 download... your status message and so on. In addition, since this is Trillian, you can manage your many IM connections grouped under multiple identities! Tight integration with desktop Instant ...
5.11 download... advanced user, DiskMax will be useful to you since it automates all the tasks required to keep your system clean and fast, leaving you to enjoy the whole new experience! ...
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4.10.4 download... Windows Registry, exactly as the name says. Since installation is not a prerequisite, you can drop the executable file anywhere on the hard disk and click it to run. ...
7.0.45 download... minimize distractions from activity in other accounts. And since the location of your common folders is always preserved, it makes switching from one inbox to another a breeze. ...