encrypt software downloads

Encryption Software

108.31.2019.11 download

Encryption Software uses to encrypt your confidential data with or without password advanced security. Encryption stands for totally changing your personal data and ... to an unrecognizable format. You can revert the encrypted file back at any time to original file ...

OfficeIntercom Communication Software

5.10 download

... OfficeIntercom. For security or privacy, OfficeIntercom can also encrypt the voice with private key strong encryption. Features: ~Assign system wide hot keys to connect ... application. ~Encrypt your voice with private key strong encryption. ~Use your network or a VoIP SIP service ...

Pyxis Backup Software download

Pyxis Backup Software is a simple application for creating backup copies ... environment. The program also allows you to successfully encrypt backups created in the selected location. The main ... - Creating copies to .zip files - Creating encrypted copies (especially useful when making backups on removable ...

.NET Licenser - licensing software

8.8.3 download

A software license is a legal instrument managing the usage or redistribution of copyright protected software. Skater .NET Licenser is Software Authorization tool designed specifically to help secure .NET software programs and to provide license control and user ...

.NET Licensing software

8.8.3 download

A software license is a legal instrument managing the usage or redistribution of copyright protected software. Skater .NET Licenser is Software Authorization tool designed specifically to help secure .NET software programs and to provide license control and user ...

Short Message Services Software

8.4 download

Cost associated with SMS software are depend are several factors liker provider, volume ... associated are affect a business budget are SMS Software us providing to charge subscription fee used platform ... to integrate SMS capacitates in existing system. SMS software another cost associate are message fees and additional ...

Aryson Split PST Software

22.1 download

Aryson Split PST Software offers you to split large PST files into smaller ones very easily. The software is capable enough that it can break PST files of size is about 2MB. The software comes with an extra functionality by which it ...

Create Multiple QR Codes Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to ... smartphones, scanners and other devices. To use this software, simply load a collection of texts from a ... QR codes. These options are described within the software so that you will be fully knowledgeable as ...

Password Protect USB Flash Drives Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to ... start. Each file on the drive will be encrypted and there will be an unprotect application put on the flash ...

Outlook Zip and Email Files Quickly Software

7.0 download

This software offers a solution to users who want to zip and send files via Outlook to multiple recipients. The user can specify a list of files or an entire ...

Bulk SMS USB Modem Software

6.8.2 download

... the modem is compatible with your operating system, software, and the manufacturer's website for updates or patches. ... management with barcode scanning systems for real-time data. Encrypt messages using encryption tools, use a password-protected USB ...


13.10 download

AutoKrypt is an encryption software designed for automation that will automatically encrypt or decrypt files and folders. AutoKrypt's encryption methods include password based, public and private key, ... and FREE minor upgrades Features: The encryption module is a commandline wrapper around GnuPG. ...


13.10 download

AutoKrypt is an encryption software designed for automation that will automatically encrypt or decrypt files and folders. AutoKrypt's encryption methods include password based, public and private key, ... and FREE minor upgrades Features: The encryption module is a commandline wrapper around GnuPG. ...

AutoKrypt for Mac OS X

13.10 download

AutoKrypt is an encryption software designed for automation that will automatically encrypt or decrypt files and folders. AutoKrypt's encryption methods include password based, public and private key, ... and FREE minor upgrades Features: The encryption module is a commandline wrapper around GnuPG. ...

SSuite Agnot StrongBox Security download

... any one of nineteen, industrial and military strength, encryption ciphers to secure your most precious private information. ... password and that is it, safe and secure encryption or decryption with just one click. Create unique ...

5 award

CryptoLicensing For MFC

2020 B200525 download

... strength, state-of-the-art cryptographic technology to ensure that your software and intellectual property is protected. FEATURES: ... unbreakable cryptographic licenses offer maximum protection to your software. Customer friendliness Easy on your customers. Hassle-free ...

Encrypting Safe

1.1 download

Encrypting Safe is a simple, easy to use Java based software specially designed to help you keep your note in safe from others using the Encrypting Decrypting symmetric key algorithm, it's easy to transfer ...

Fast File Encryptor

13.1 download

Fast File Encryptor is MS Windows compatible software designed for fast processing of extremely large files. It can encrypt and decrypt files, contents of folders using any file as a password. Fast File Encryptor contains a lot of additional tools and presents ...

New Version


13.0 download

FastEncryptor is MS Windows compatible software designed for fast processing of extremely large files. It can encrypt and decrypt files, contents of folders using any ... messages about all operations. FastEncryptor compatible with ArmorTools software. FastEncryptor features the following tools: Encrypt File, Encrypt ...

File Encryptor

13.0 download

File Encryptor is MS Windows compatible software designed for fast processing of extremely large files. It can encrypt and decrypt files, contents of folders using any file as a password. File Encryptor contains a lot of additional tools and presents ...

.NET PGP Library

1.11 download

If you need PGP encryption C#, this is a FIPS Compliant Library to Encrypt/Decrypt files or streams with PGP using a single ...

jPDFSecure for Linux

2021R1 download

... With jPDFSecure, your application or java applet can encrypt PDF documents, set permissions and passwords, and create ... do not have to install any third party software or drivers. Since it is written in Java, ...


2021R1 download

... With jPDFSecure, your application or java applet can encrypt PDF documents, set permissions and passwords, and create ... do not have to install any third party software or drivers. Since it is written in Java, ...


3.5.1 download

... to replace FileVault. Espionage is the only software that will let you encrypt individual folders and interact with them straight from ... Finder! No longer is it necessary to encrypt your entire home folder just to protect your ...

MEO File Encryption for Mac

2.16 download

MEO is a powerful data encryption application to encrypt or decrypt files of any type, including Microsoft ... email and PDF documents on Mac OS X. Encrypt or decrypt any type of files on Mac ...