database in ASP & PHP downloads
December.2024 downloadIP2Location IP-COUNTRY-REGION-CITY-LATITUDE-LONGITUDE-ZIPCODE-TIMEZONE is commercial lookup database that translates IP address to country, region, city, ... ZIP code and time zone. Developers use this database for: 1. Provide Location Aware Content (language, currency, ...
5 download... to connect to your Access, SQL or MySQL database on the web. Demo Generates search form, search results and detail while registered version additionally generates edit_detail, add, delete, and login ...
2024.2.0 download... Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, or SQLite database. ASP.NET Maker can also create summary reports, crosstab reports and dashboards with JavaScript (HTML5) charts (column, bar, line, pie, area, doughnut, ...
16.1.1 download... your websites or your applications such as the database manager PhpMyAdmin. Nothing to configure. It's already done! EasyPHP is portable. You can install it on your system or on ...
ExeOutput for PHP download... into Rich Internet Applications (RIA), custom web browsers, database apps, games, interactive catalogs, and much more by ... with bcompiler. - Basic PHP extensions are supported. Database engines like SQLite, MySQL are handled and remote ...
ASP file upload
2.3 download... size up to 2GB to a disk or database along with another form fields. Works with large posts, any character set, including unicode utf-8. Hi-performance text file logging for ASP/VBS/VBA ...
PHP Generator for MySQL downloadPHP Generator for MySQL is a freeware GUI frontend that allows you to generate high-quality PHP scripts for the selected tables, views and queries for the further working with these objects ...
7.1.012 download... simultaneously on the same project. Connect your favorite database (MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, SQL Server,...) to generate applications that run independent from Scriptcase, and may be published on any PHP-enabled web ...
Web Site Factory
1.0 downloadWeb Site Factory is a premium code generator project now available to premium project subscribers. Web Site Factory is based on Data Aquarium Framework and features sophisticated page layouts and professional ...
Zend Studio for Linux
5.5 download... comprehensive set of editing, debugging, analysis, optimization and database tools, Zend Studio speeds development cycles and simplifies complex projects. ...
2024.9.0 download... MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Oracle and SQLite databases. Using PHPMaker you can instantly create web sites that allow users to view, edit, search, add and delete records on the ...
8.4 download... write images to disk, to binary data or database blob fields, or stream images to the browser. Use with csASPUpload or other components to edit or resize upload images dynamically ...
Zend Studio for Mac
5.5 download... comprehensive set of editing, debugging, analysis, optimization and database tools, Zend Studio speeds development cycles and simplifies complex projects. ...
2.2 download... any regular shared php/mysql server and the member database is owned by the customer. The available customizations include: custom application name, custom ads html content, custom emoticons. The package comes ...
Backup My Webspace
1.0 download... files. - Backup status indicator. - No mysql database required. - Hand coded script, designed under the newest security aspects. - Very easy installation and setup process. - And more ...
1.4.0 download... results of the questioning is stored in a database, which can be imported by QuizPro, and therefore ... included. Several administrator options for different functions and database modification are included. Contrary to WebQuiz, PHPWebQuiz does ...
Social Bookmark Script
2.0 download... design customization. - Option to use the mysqli database extension, if supported by your hosting. (A mysqli connection is a faster and safer database connection as the usual mysql connection.) - Hand ...
Web Traffic Stats Script
1.2 download... prevent spam. - Option to use the mysqli database extension, if supported by your hosting. (A mysqli connection is a faster and safer database connection as the usual mysql connection.) - Hand ...
PTC Script
2.5 download... based style. - Option to use the mysqli database extention, if supported by your hosting. (A mysqli connection is a faster and safer database connection as the usual mysql connection.) - Easy ...
2017 download... Ads (Selective advertisement), Who seen my profile, MultiTemplate, Database Backup, Comments, Hot or Not, Google and Youtube Videos, Flash template, Caching system improve performance and more... Optimized for PHP 5.3.x, ...
Cute Live Support
5.1 download... data is stored in the included Microsoft SQL Database allowing instant retrieval of visitor history as well as previous chat transcripts. Written in .NET and using the latest Microsoft Technology, ...
AfterLogic WebMail Lite PHP
8.3.16 download... it easy to install and configure WebMail Lite. Database backend is MySQL. Optimized for ISPs and hosting providers. The license is AGPLv3. The product can be upgraded to Pro version ...
AfterLogic WebMail Pro PHP
8.3.17 download... (even on different mail servers) and multiple domains. Database backend is MySQL. WebMail Pro is shipped with the source code (customization allowed) and feature-rich API. The user interface is built ...
Video Embed Script
2.1 download... this site) - Option to use the mysqli database extension, if supported by your hosting. - Easy and fast installation. - 1 year free script support and updates. - Lifetime ...
Free PHP Gallery
2.0 download... install on your website (just copy files) No database required, categories are folders, photo title is the title of the photo file. Admin can upload photos from web interface Create, ...