clean temporary internet files downloads
Internet History Wiper downloadInternet browser history application protects your privacy removing visited ... IE eraser software program reaches all browser hidden files and deletes them. Tool wipes all user secret ... that remains in the PC for some time. Internet eraser tools also help to protect information like ...
Internet Trace Destroyer
10.0 download... you. Clear web browser's online history, delete cookies, temporary Internet files, index.dat files, recent document lists, recently typed information, search history ... it includes a user manual. You can schedule cleaning process and use an advanced data erasing technique ...
R-Wipe & Clean
9.9 downloadR-Wipe & Clean is a complete R-Tools solution to wipe useless files and maintain your computer privacy. It irretrievably deletes ... of your online and off-line activities, such as temporary Internet files, history, cookies, autocomplete forms and passwords, ...
Eusing Free Internet Window Washer
3.5 downloadFree Internet Window Washer is a free internet tracks eraser and privacy cleaner software. As you work on your computer and browse the Internet, you leave behind traces of your activity. The ...
BullGuard Internet Security
20.0.381.0 downloadComplete internet security solution which protects you and your computer ... your most valuable documents. You can use BullGuard Internet Security to boost the performance of your system by removing unnecessary or temporary files, detecting and fixing broken registry entries, performing ...
Hard Disk Files Shredder downloadHow to cleanup your official data, secret information, personal documents from ... other removable media! Don’t worry; Storage media data cleaner utility erases your existing and non-existing data, files and folders. USB mini hard disk cleaner software ...
Mil Free Internet Eraser
4.0 downloadMil Free Internet Eraser is an application designed to protect your ... on your computer, which raises severe privacy concerns. Cleaning up the history of your activities completely and ... every time you use your computer. Mil Free Internet Eraser simplifies this task to a single mouse ...
20.0 Build 2500 download... your personal information remains confidential. It effectively erases temporary internet files, cookies, history, and other data that could potentially compromise your privacy. Additionally, it tackles system-generated files such as temporary files, log files, and other ...
Asa Cleaner 4 downloadCleaner gathers temporary internet files, cookies, recent items, along with history items to ... contains quick links and shortcuts to essential system cleaning tools, such as 'Clean Manager' and 'System Restore'. Version 4.0.1 is an updated version of the Cleaner. This version has the same User Interface, more ...
AVS Registry Cleaner downloadAVS Registry Cleaner is a special utility that enables you to scan, clean and fix the Windows registry with just a ... shared DLL's, COM/ActiveX, file extensions, etc. Remove junk files such as temporary Internet files, corrupted applications, trash ...
Disk Cleaner
1.8.1795 downloadDisk Cleaner is a free open source (GPL v2) tool to quickly and easily clean your hard disk from temporary files like those in the system temporary folder, the Internet Explorer Cache and Cookies folder, ...
Data Erasure Software download... space depends on users choice. Application program deletes internet activity history temporary files, chat history, cookies, cached files, search, chat history etc. Utility once wiped all ... and FAT file system partition. Wiping software also clean recently used files history like Microsoft PowerPoint, Word, ...
Simnet Disk Cleaner 2011 downloadSimnet Disk Cleaner is an application that will help you to scan and clean junk files in your disk drives. Disk Cleaner uses an Advanced Parallel Scan technology to high-speed scanning your hard disk drives. By cleaning junk files with Simnet Disk Cleaner, you increase ...
Moo0 DiskCleaner
1.25 download... just need to check items you want to clean and press "Clean Now" button. It currently supports over 130 kinds of targets, including system temporary files, private data in registry, internet browser cache, ...
Moo0 DiskCleaner Portable
1.25 download... just need to check items you want to clean and press "Clean Now" button. It currently supports over 130 kinds of targets, including system temporary files, private data in registry, internet browser cache, ...
TempClean ++ download... and automate the often tedious task of managing temporary files on your computer. This lightweight yet powerful tool ... intelligent scanning algorithm, which meticulously identifies and categorizes temporary files that can be safely removed. This includes ...
5.11 download... it? It's because of the accumulation of junk files and other data on your system coupled with inefficient layout of your files. So what can you do about it? ... system will be peppier, applications will launch faster, files will open quicker, games will run better, and ...
Zappit System Cleaner
1.1 downloadZappit System Cleaner - FREEWARE to Clean Up and Speed Up your Computer: Safe and easy way to clean Windows, Internet Tracks, free up hard-disk space and optimize your system. A clean computer runs better and faster and Zappit makes ...
2.95 downloadSuperCleaner is an all in one disk cleaner for Windows. Its built-in Garbage Finder can find hundreds or even thousands of megabytes of unneeded files taking up space on your computer. The Internet ...
Windows Garbage Collector
2.00 download... decent little tool that has the potential to clean quite a bit from your system, and can even automatically compress little-used files to make them occupy less disk space. It offers you an expanded selection of cleanup and optimization choices. CLEANUP FEATURES: Temporary Setup Files ...
Evidence Exterminator
2.767 downloadEvidence Exterminator cleans all PC usage history information. Clean up your cookies, history, temporary internet files, browser's cache, recycle bin, recent documents. Did you ... when you use Windows, open folders, search for files, work with various software, surf the Internet, use ...
System Optimizer and Cleaner Software
7.0 download... solution to users who want to optimize and cleanup a computer system. This easy to use computer housekeeping tool will clean up files and registry entries that may slow down system ...
MindStick Cleaner
1.0.2 downloadMindStick Cleaner is a free tool built to clean your Windows PC in just a few minutes. ... and has auto-update functionality built in. MindStick Cleaner removes unused files from your system - allowing ...
1.37 downloadCleanAfterMe allows you to easily clean files and Registry entries that are automatically created by ... operating system during your regular computer work. With CleanAfterMe, you can clean the cookies/history/cache/passwords of Internet Explorer, ...
FileCleaner download... you will be able to delete all your Internet history tracks in one click and make your ... the help of this program you can delete temporary Internet files and keep your system free of ...