recoveronix downloads
Recovery for SQL Anywhere
1.2.18390.1 downloadRepairs corrupted SQL Anywhere Server databases (.db). Supported SQL Anywhere Server versions: 9.x, 10.x, 11.x. The recovered data is saved into a set of SQL files to be used for rebuilding ...
S2 Recovery Tools for Microsoft Excel
4.0.1 download... files including providing the coupon 'S2SERVICES' for using Recoveronix' online corrupt file recovery service for free until Nov 1, 2013, a $39 value. This program was formerly known as Excel ...
S2 Recovery Tools for MS PowerPoint
1.0.1 download... of these is a web service provided by Recoveronix', Online File Repair. With the provided coupon code, until Nov. 1, 2013, the service is free, a $39 value. ...
Corrupt DOCX Salvager
2.0.4 download... usefulness. The Alternatives Menu includes a shortcut to Recoveronix' Online File Repair and mentions a the coupon 'S2SERVICES' good until 11/01/14 for free recovery, a $39 a pop value. Word ...